So, here we are. It’s Fall of 2011. 100 Days of Social Media Blackout behind me. Speak Out with your Geek Out is behind (and in some respects) in front of me.
And I realized I’ve been missing something basic, something real. Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus don’t replace what I loved about being inside a blog network. As an author who enjoys sharing, learning, and contributing to a community — it’s difficult to “tag” people on my own website and share updates that don’t sound trivial. Of course, some may argue that that’s what Twitter is for. Only… Twitter is so fleeting. It’s hard to encapsulate people’s personalities in a single Tweet, but a series of them? Sure. Still, I have to be online twenty-four seven to do that. *shakes head* And I’m not.
So, I shall return to blogging after I return from NYCC. There will be other website changes to accommodate this, too, but I have to mull those over. There’s pictures to share, messy artwork to offer you, and more readers to engage. None of what I want to do will change the other posts; this is simply a natural evolution to fit where I’m headed with my work.
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