Hey everyone,
Just wanted to mention that I have been switching servers and wibbily-wobbily time-y whime-y (Yes, that is a Doctor Who reference…) on the back end. So the website has been up-and-down and comments made from this week mysteriously vanished into the wilds of the internet. Kind of like where your lost socks go, but more disappointing, as I can always buy new socks.
The newsletter this month may be postponed until after GenCon, as my plate is mostly meat-and-potatoes. I’m happy about that, but this is due — in part — to getting all my August guest posts and an early August assignment written/delivered prior to the show. When I come back, I will probably sit down for a day in my cave and zone out to one of my favorite video games. It’s going to be a VERY busy show this year as I have a few secrets I cannot yet reveal. 45,000+ people + 12-14 hour days = de-peopling process to return to normal.
I also put a call out on social media, but I am putting together a group of beta readers. GREAT response so far and I can’t wait to get that party started. I take good care of my peeps.
Last, but not least… I wanted to say how much I appreciate you as a reader and a visitor to my website. These are crazy times for any creative professional, whether you’re famous, infamous, loaded or eating noodles out of a can.
Hope your own endeavors — be they as a fan, a reader or as a creative — are successful.
Peace out.