Bad Behavior and other Non Sequitors

There's a trojan on your computer

In a state of random today, so you get a conglomeration of thoughts in separate paragraphs rather than a cohesive sticky pile of goo.

Those of you who follow my blog know that I have a background in business. Everything I’ve ever done has been to go into business for myself as a creative professional, whether that’s in a part-time or full-time capacity. The last ten years I’ve specialized in the web and my love/hate affair with the internet can pretty much be summed up by two simple phrases: “no good comes out of forgetting your audience” and “timeliness is the attention span-killer that stalks your monitor.” Otherwise known, in very blunt terms as… People can read what you post online now and forever — even after you delete it. They don’t see trends. Most people see the effects of trends and don’t realize what they are.

There are super users online, sure, but the vast majority of people out there aren’t online as much as you might assume and they certainly don’t pay attention to what’s happening in the manner you think they are. Engaging in ‘net rage really doesn’t do anybody any bit of good, especially when that issue is resolved quickly. Passive readers exist and they are common. In fact, you just never know…

Which brings me to my next point. There are a LOT of websites that engage in what is known as “tricking for a click.” This is intentional, people. Why? Because the internet rewards bad behavior. Yes, it’s a good thing to tap into your tabloid sensibilities because it grabs your attention. A person’s name is known. A website gets more eyeballs on the page, which equates to advertising. While there are plenty of consultants out there who advocate that the best way forward is to attract the right readers, there are 100s of others who advise to get clicks any way you can because it results in advertising dollars. It *may* or *may not* result in sales, but it does indeed get eyeballs on the page at that particular moment in time. That is financially soluble and a requirement for many websites to function.

Annnnnnnnnnd on to another… Do small changes matter? I believe so. One of our neighbors turned her unit’s backyard into a garden paradise — and it’s catching! Several of us now have greenery around. And I have…




Baby Jalapenos

Am now researching all the things I can do with spearmint (which tastes great!), peppermint, lemon verbena, and lavender. Huzzah! It’s quite possible I may keel my lavender with water and vitamins, though. More rain here.

Sadly, my caffeine addiction needs to exclude one regularly drunk drink in particular: soda. Though I drink diet, I just cannot inhale caffeine in this fashion. Has to be coffee or tea. This makes me sad.

That’s all I have for today. More books need to be read. More words to be written. More e-mails to be sent.

    Mood: Feeling a new appreciation for growy things.
    Caffeinated Beverages Consumed: Iced tea can kick in any time now.
    Work-Out Minutes Logged Yesterday: There was a visit to the gym.
    In My Ears: White Noise courtesy of my computer fan.
    Game Last Played: Final Fantasy XIII
    Book Last Read: Paranormal Great Lakes: an Encyclopedia
    Movie Last Viewed: The Mummy
    Latest Artistic Project: *Still* *still* *still* need to take pictures…
    Latest Release: “The Button” We Are Dust anthology and for gaming, a fun Scion: Extras (Supplemental Yet Can Be Somewhat Useful On Occasion Scions)

Why I Don’t Play Lara Croft et al. (NSFW!)

gaming avatar

There’s this purview in business that says: “We’ll make the same old, same old because that what sells to our target audience.” So, naturally the reason why there’s this big upheaval in the creative arts is because new demographics who couldn’t buy comics/stories/games/etc. now have access to these things without ever leaving their home. They can read reviews, share information, try something new and they don’t have to walk into a store. (To be clear: I feel that where you shop is a personal choice. I proudly support our local book/game/comic stores when we can.)

Anyway, point made. So, when I say that I choose not to play Lara Croft and other female-lead games like Bloodrayne… It’s not because these games are not unknown or accessible to me. And it’s NOT because of this:


Or this:

Lara Croft

Or this, though… Oy. I’m surprised Ivy doesn’t fall over on a regular basis.

Soul Caliber 4 Ivy

Now, if Lara Croft, for example, looked like this…

Gender Bender Lara Croft

I might play, but it’s still not a guarantee. So the question is: why. Why wouldn’t I go out and support games with a female lead? Because these games were obviously not designed with me in mind. Tried playing Bloodrayne, but even in the demo portion there were… Well, I get to some of that later. You get this glorious butt shot, of course. But the mechanic to feed just put me over the edge. I want to play the game, I don’t want to play a game and look at butt cracks.

That’s the difference between me and other gamers, I suppose. There are two things I like in games. Good stories and kicking ass. I like to play Ivy from Soul Caliber on occasion because she has a chain sword. CHAIN SWORD! Lara Croft I like in theory, but I have no interest in looking up her bits just to swing from vine to vine. If I’m on a vine, I’m not thinking: “Oh baby, please admire me because my boob crack is so awesome and my abs are rippling.” I have other problems with Lara Croft. Which is sad, really, because kick ass female archaeologists a la Indiana Jones and Alan Quartermaine could be pretty effing cool.

This is why I tend to play games by certain companies. I know what I’m getting if I buy a Square Enix or a Bioware game. Is there weird sexuality/attractiveness in Final Fantasy? Dragon Age?

Well, there’s… I don’t even know what’s going on with Kuja.


And there’s…


Mind you, Final Fantasy X-2 was a bit too girly for me in some places. XIII is what I would consider my favorite in the franchise next to X, which has a much clearer story. Lightning is the lead, by the way — and that should not be overlooked given the popularity of the franchise. But if you want the guy to save the world and his “girl,” you can get that in Snow.

And in Dragon Age there’s Morrigan. Who, incidentally, was considered one of the twentiest “least” sexy video game characters on account of her biting sarcasm and general bitchiness. Oh boy, if that was an indicator of sexy I think the entire female gender is in trouble. ‘Cause newsflash: we ain’t just crabby during that time of the month. Holy hell… Since when did women have to be all sweet and nice and never say anything bitchy?

Morrigan Poster

This desire demon is not a player-character, but one of the monsters. Kind of a seven deadly sins thing going on there.

Desire Demon

Now, there’s a huge difference in playing style between Bloodrayne and Dragon Age. I feel party-based games in an RPG style (still can’t bring myself to call a video game an RPG…) offer more variety for different types of players. Is there romance in an RPG style game? Yes, sometimes. Possibility of being consummated? Yep, it can be. Gay smexx0rs? Yeah, Dragon Age made a lot of waves because it gave that optional storyline.

Am I a prude? No, there’s a difference between being shy and saying: “PUT AWAY ALL THE SMEXX0RS I NEVER WANT TO SEE THEM IN MY GAME ZOMG.” Shy, yes. Puritan? Not remotely. I recognize when a game is not designed for me by the following criteria.

Form: When every possible chance you get, you zoom in on the cracks of an exaggerated women’s figure… It’s a distraction to me. What does that have to do with me earning XP or being a terrifying min/maxer? NOTHING. It’s much worse for me if *only* the female figures are exaggerated, but the males are not. This is why I’ve played Mortal Kombat and Soul Caliber. Both are ridiculously out of proportion, but it’s a fighting game with multiple characters so what the hey. If I don’t like a character or get tired of Ivy’s massive chest interfering with the chain sword CHAIN SWORD I can choose another one.

Function: RPG, first person shooter, or not… If you require me to play this game and have romance/boobs/rippling chests tossed in my face, I’m not your target audience. I played an hour of Bloodrayne and I just couldn’t get past the humping. Mind you, if there was ever a persnickety vampire player, that’d be me. Vampires shouldn’t have to hump to feed. The physics of that are totally super awkward and unnecessary — they’re not frogs!

Story: Oh, this is a big one for me. For example, will I be playing Duke Nukem? Not a chance in hell. To me, that’s not charming, that’s a turn-off. Hey, only the sexy women are being stolen from Earth and I have to save them because I’m a maaaaaaaaaannnnnn. Whatever. OBVIOUSLY, though, that game is not designed for all players, only a portion of them.

So where do I find games to play?

I buy games from companies like Sony, Bioware, Nintendo, and Square Enix. I read reviews before I make a purchase, too. Sometimes, I even play games like Kingdom Hearts, Sonic, Super Mario Brothers, and the Legos series because I like the story and the playing style without the smexx0rs. A better variety of video games from companies that don’t assume, by default, that women only play crossword puzzles and word games. Am I asking for all women and men never to be hypersexualized ever? No. Am I demanding that all of these games be stopped? No, that will never happen. Sales will only die off when demand decreases, so for my part I don’t play those games and I don’t buy them, either. It’s silly to think that all games will be for all people.

So what do I want?

That more game companies start looking at the full package (no pun intended) for different game styles. Make a first person shooter that men and women can play. Broaden your audience. Find playtesters that are women! Discuss what makes a good game experience, not what makes a sexy character. You can build a game around a sexy character. You can have sexy characters in a game. You can’t just create sexy characters and slap on a story/game environment willy nilly and call that a game. Video games are an immersive experience. If you want sexy characters in a game, take a page from the RPG style games that have sold millions of copies — offer a variety of them. Customization. Give people the opportunity to make the game personal and they’ll have a better experience all around, which means more players.

Over the years, of course I’ve played games with smexx0rs and exaggerated characters in them. But I stopped playing because when games are built to exploit that character’s sexuality, that fantasy is so obvious to me it rips me out of the game experience. I have no other option but to like that character and that character alone. Men, women… Makes no difference. If there was a game that, every time you walked in a weird angle, the camera rested on the guy’s crotch, I wouldn’t play that, either. Does any of this mean I’m right and you’re wrong? No, this post is about my personal preferences based on my experiences.

The only thing is… I can’t think of a game that’s like that? Where it’s really about the male crotch shots and the big bits and the tight butt cracks. Can you?

Historical Recontruction a la 1880s. [Pictures]

I went with some friends to Old World Wisconsin. Why? More research! What’s really fascinating about this time period, is that you see the effects of the age of industrialism just starting to impact businesses. It’s really a “worlds collide” sort of a place, much like what we’re seeing now with digitization versus material goods. The biggest impact besides price? Time. Folks back then were a “bit” busier than we were. Yes, we’re busy because we’re on Facebook and Twitter and whatnot. But are we really? In terms of what we make now compared to what they had to do back then… We’re experts at consumption, but not manufacturing goods for ourselves.

Here’s some pics. (I have a ton. If you’re interested, I may post more.)


I have a fascination with old writing desks. If I could, I’d collect them.

Coffee With The Mostest

For the coffee enthusiast in you… Beans. Beans had to be roasted, then ground, then made into coffee.

Happy Bacon

This is a picture of a pig. She was friendly, and she singled me out. Ergo…

Ye Olde Rose

A very old rose. My hobbitess friend explained to me that older roses curl and that this particular rosebush was very old, indeed.

Mega Loom

The site makes its own towels and fabric. This loom allows them to do so. Takes a couple of months or so to make enough for a handtowel.

Irish House

The Irish washerwoman this house belonged to, worked six days a week and was also active in her church community, plus maintained a garden. Talk about never sleeping in!


In the village, there’s a cobbler/shoe merchant. So, these are handmade shoes in various states of shoeness. The cobbler could make a single pair of custom-fit shoes once every two to three days. These could be repaired and last forever. They were hand-stitched and made with wood pegs. Not like these shoes…

Shoe Store

These are factory-made and were also sold by the cobbler. So customers had their choice of what to buy and could also get their shoes repaired, too.

My CONvergence Schedule

CONvergence British Invasion

I will be attending CONvergence as a guest this year.

Here is my schedule, though you should note that the later the panels get… The more unfiltered I shall be… In part, I think this is a mad conspiracy to access my pure decorum-less state. The later it gets coupled with a serious caffeine addiction. Oh, that’s my Kryptonite. Sure, I start out all nice and well-mannered, but Midnight beckons and my fangs pop out all by their lonesome. It’s quite terrifying, actually. Sharp, pointy teeth.

On that note, I suppose I should say: “Come if you dare?”

Friday, July 5

Science Fiction as a Hopeful Future vs. a Cautionary Tale

Gaming in the ‘Verse

Signing – Joseph Scrimshaw/Monica Valentinelli

Writing a Book in Someone Else’s Universe

Saturday, July 6

Reading – Monica Valentinelli

Vampire Literature From Dracula to Edward Cullen

S-S-S-S-S-uper Macro! At Olbrich.

Took a break yesterday and went to Olbrich Gardens to see the flowers before they dried up in the heat of summer. Discovered we have a pottery workshop not to far from the house. MORE MESSES! Um… Anyway, here are some pics. (Notice I have a crush on the super macro setting on my camera.) Was lovely to see greenery before the storms today. See also: cleaning my office suxx0rs.

Confetti Flowers

I am a leaf on the wind


Gold Leaf Detail Redux

Squirtle the Turtle or Fred If You Like

Origami Orange

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