The Plants That Never Were And May One Day Be

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Today, I tell you a sad, short tale of living things destroyed by creatures furry and cute. To say that it’s difficult for us to have plants is an understatement. Plagued by spring fever and seeds that have yet to be planted, I vow to try again. This is an impossible task, for we live with two plant destroyers. Don’t be fooled by the innocuous appearance of this pair.


They have decimated every type of plant imaginable, from cacti to lettuce, and have made it difficult to have greenery around the house. BUT NO LONGER! We shall not submit to the cuteness of Zakar, so named after a Mesopotamian god of dreams, who can open doors and likes to complain loudly.


NOR, shall we bow to the demands of this particularly mischievous dastardly foe. Rimmon, the god of storms, lives up to his reputation daily.


So, to get around said terrifying beasts of fuzziness — terrariums and plant confinement. We shall overcome! Let us hope this works. And, if it does, then pictures aplenty for there shall be greenery!


Pots and Light

P.S. Those white spots you see in the soil are fertilizer. Not cat litter. That container happens to be empty, because cat litter plus planty, greeny, growy things is a full on yuck. I just figured that the hydroponic garden is so bright the seeds may benefit. We shall see, for my thumbs are as black as my soul.

    Mood: WRITE OR DIE
    Caffeinated Beverages Consumed: There was ice in my tea.
    Work-Out Minutes Logged Yesterday: Oddly enough, I breathed fresh air. WTF?
    In My Ears: The soothing noise of the computer fan.
    Game Last Played: Final Fantasy IX
    Movie Last Viewed: Ted
    Latest Artistic Project: *Still* need to take pictures…
    Latest Release: “The Button” We Are Dust anthology

Inside Voices

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People ask me why I’m not aggressive with self-promotion and why I walk my own path. This has been on my mind lately, and after posting this to places like my Tumblr account and Google+, thought I’d expand the topic here. I’d also like to say that I’m having problems with my RSS feed, so alerting you in advance.

  • If everybody’s shouting different things, then no one is heard.
  • If everybody’s demanding a unique reaction, then no one will give them the one they want.
  • If everybody’s screaming “Help me!” “Fix this!” “You owe me that!” — then no one gives.
  • If you get bombarded with “Buy me!” “Review me!” “Share me!” from multiple people at the same time, then those acts turn into a chore and an obligation.
  • If you’re fully vested in what people do for you, especially in a social media context, then you get upset by the actions other people take online, jumping to the worst sorts of conclusions.
  • If everybody’s shouting, then they’re all competing. And that, my friends, can be very bad for the craft of writing and reading in general.
  • To me, this is a cacophony of conflicting sounds that hurt the work and the intent therein.

    All the shouting and screaming and yelling in the world doesn’t get people to pay attention to what you’re doing or “validate” you. In many cases, it’s starting to have the opposite effect — right now popularity is influencing what people read, but it’s not always satisfying to them and attention spans wane. The space is changing rapidly and, if you’ve viewed similar trends in the history of publishing, you’ll see that this can’t last. Eventually, the market will get so saturated it’ll tip back in favor of gatekeepers or forever remain fractured in micro-communities. (I believe the former rather than the latter is true.) Remember, everybody thinks they have a book in them. This is not like dentistry. This is writing. If you can type on your keyboard, then you’re physically performing the act of a writer. While it’s not the same thing as the craft of writing, it’s still something anyone “can” do on a basic level.

    The same is true for so-called book publicity. Anyone can own a Twitter or Facebook account. Anyone can say: “BUY MY BOOK!” Combined, it’s making it that much harder for writers, indie or “pro”, to do any sort of publicity because you have to turn up the volume even more.

    Or do you?

    I don’t shout or yell or scream “PAY ATTENTION TO ME NOW!” because I have work to do. I inform, yes, but I’d rather ask than demand. When I have something to promote, I put together a plan. For bigger projects, it’s a larger plan. But it doesn’t happen before the work is done or as an afterthought. I’m careful with it, and there’s a very, very, very important reason why. This work, my friends, is for you. It’s the core of my growing business, but it’s built on relationships. The trust with the reader. The unspoken social contract with my followers. Relationships with editors and publishers and agents.

    This is what I have to give. Not a shout, but a whisper through the pages of every game and story I work on. I will keep whispering. Sometimes, those are soft and barely audible. Other times, they’re loud. But, they’re never silent. I am always whispering.

    Come and listen.

    Come and play.

    Come and wonder.

      Mood: Fifty degrees? It’s a heat wave!
      Caffeinated Beverages Consumed: Blargh-ness.
      Work-Out Minutes Logged Yesterday: Well, there’s this thing called “sore muscles.”
      In My Ears: Hoodoo by Muse.
      Game Last Played: Ascension
      Movie Last Viewed: Ted
      Latest Artistic Project: Need to take pictures…
      Latest Release: “The Button” We Are Dust anthology

    Author Copies from Stone Skin Press

    The Grinch Avatar

    Received these in the mail from Stone Skin Press last Friday. I love getting contributor copies. The smell of fresh ink… The other stories lurking in these anthologies… Mmmmm… Like Christmas only better.

    Stone Skin Press

      Mood: Blargh due to weather-related conditions.
      Caffeinated Beverages Consumed: I’m on my first cup.
      Work-Out Minutes Logged Yesterday: Point and click and point and click.
      In My Ears: Nothing
      Game Last Played: Eternal Sonata
      Movie Last Viewed: Ted (It was very wrong.)
      Latest Artistic Project: Need to take pictures…
      Latest Release: “The Button” We Are Dust anthology

    Presenting… Scion: Extras (Supplemental Yet Can Be Somewhat Useful On Occasion Scions)

    Scion Extras

    While it is well-known that not every God is as potent as Zeus (and not every Goddess as brave as Isis), even the Gods themselves tend to“forget” their long-lost cousins and great-aunts twice-removed on the other side of the family. Among the immortals, the uber-powerful feel there are some deities best left off Junior’s wedding invitation, ignored at holidays, or obscured deep in a poorly updated Wikipedia page.

    In Extras (Supplemental Yet Can Be Useful On Occasion Scions), a select number of these rare Gods, Goddesses, and their Scions have been thrown under the spotlight. From the oft-overlooked Queen of the Porcelain Throne to a brave-but-curious Scion who loves the outdoors, discover how the pantheons feel about these add-ons and their place in the War against the Titans.

    This book is compatible with Scion: Hero. It includes:

  • 10 playable Scion extras from 6 pantheons
  • Deadpan humor. Because RPGs are dead, ya know?
  • Song lyrics for Sci, Scion Style. We expect to see a fan video.
  • Easter eggs! Not the literal kind. That’d be too messy. The “Oooo…Fans might want to…” kind.
  • …and more!


    Games and Well… More Tabletop Games

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    Yesterday, my SO and I went over to Pegasus Games here in town and played a few card and board games in celebrating of Tabletop Day. We dove into Tsuro, Ascension, Cthulhu Fluxx, and Gloom before going home. For an online game, I’ve been having fun with Folds from Armor Games, which has an origami-theme.

    I had fun, but I’m in “work mode,” which means that I’m fully immersed in productivity right now. Firefly is ramping up. I just finished scouring through page proofs and I have four other projects I’m wrapping up.

    This is a good thing for me, because it means I have a fun job to do — and it’s time to make the most out of it. Very happy that portion of my business is healthy. Yay!

      Mood: Blargh due to weather-related conditions.
      Caffeinated Beverages Consumed: Well rested, so having half-caff.
      Work-Out Minutes Logged Yesterday: Walkin’, walkin’, walkin’.
      In My Ears: Nothing
      Game Last Played: Eternal Sonata
      Movie Last Viewed: Deadfall
      Latest Artistic Project: Need to take pictures…
      Latest Release: “The Button” We Are Dust anthology
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    Looking for Monica’s books and games that are still in print? Visit Monica Valentinelli on Amazon’s Author Central or a bookstore near you.


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