To This Day of Evil Days. Sort of.

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Morning! Yesterday, John “The Muskrat” Kovalic and I contributed two lots for the Evil for Crestline elementary school charity auction. The Valentinelli Fiction Sampler Pack is worth about $75 retail — maybe more? Because ALL will be signed. Hee. Included with three anthologies and two novellas, you’ll also get a $20 gift certificate to John’s Dork Tower trade lot includes the first three trades from the Dork Tower webcomic — worth retail $60 and a lot more signed! The auction ends Monday, February 25th, so bid now! I promise, you’ll be VERY spoiled.

On a more somber note, winter has not yet released its icy grip on our fair city. I’ve been oscillating from cabin fever to productivity back to feeling a bit trapped by the weather. Adding another layer to my routine this week; I’m in a pseudo-artist recovery program designed to buff up some of the long-neglected aspects of my artist talents. And, that’s yielded some interesting results so far. Definitely venturing off into newer territories and whatnot. So, yay!

Remember when I mentioned the purse conundrum? I wound up modifying a Le Sac and I love it now. Very, very light. Very light. Hate feeling bogged down by purses.

Sugar Skull Le Sac

Before I go, I just wanted to mention that the more time I spend getting to know you, the more I see how common is to be hurt. Even if we don’t acknowledge it, many of us have been bullied in some way. It’s common to seek validation. To vent about it. To declare what our problems are to the world.

It is uncommon to use that pain and turn it into an inspiration. To do something about it other than say “Hey! Over here! I’m hurt!” Yes, you’re hurt. Yes, you’re in pain. Hence, the reason why today I’m sharing this video with you. Powerful message and a fantastic, absolutely fantastic example of how one artist took his experiences and channeled his art into a message for bullied kids. I hope this inspires you to do something today. Whether that’s for yourself (you’re worth it!) or for someone else (they’re worth it, too!) go forth and DO.

For more information, check out

    Mood: Wintermudgeon
    Caffeinated Beverages Consumed: Beh
    Work-Out Minutes Logged Yesterday: House cleaning. Grr.
    In My Ears: Expecting by Andy Scott
    Game Last Played: War of the North
    Movie Last Viewed: A Good Day To Die Hard
    Latest Artistic Project: Contest design (In progress)
    Latest Release: “The Button” We Are Dust anthology

Shiny! Firefly the RPG

Today, Margaret Weis Productions announced that the company acquired the license to the Firefly television series by Joss Whedon, and they’ll be publishing a role-playing game based on the show. Margaret Weis, who’s written many fine books herself, will be part of a stellar team that’ll work hard to produce this game for you. Some faces, like Cam Banks and Amanda Yahner-Valentine, may be familiar to you. Earlier, the news was also leaked that I’ll be part of this project, too.

I’m thrilled to be part of such a talented team and am still a little dazed from the success of the Cortex Plus Hacker’s Guide Kickstarter. Oddly enough, my essay titled “Roleplay Like You’re On TV!” will help those of you who love Cortex Classic who want to play a contemporary style of dramatic role-playing game using Cortex Plus.

This new project also carries with it a strange synergy for me, too. You see, Margaret’s series titled The Death Gate Cycle, which was co-authored with Tracy Hickman, is one of the first times I fell in love with a fantasy series and served (no pun intended) as a gateway to other series in that vein. To be working with her is a big deal for me. I’m happy she’s involved in this project and flattered I’m included.

More than this, I cannot say. But there’ll be more news coming on this. That, you can be sure of. After all, there’s no better place in the ‘Verse, than at your gaming table.

Celebrity Prison

Art Deco Tile Avatar

When I’m writing, I often profile my characters. That begins with my ability to empathize; I feel this emotion is sorely needed for writers to be able to better characterize and connect with readers. Sometimes, like today, I profile a character type based on my experience with it. I used to shoot local events for a community newspaper based on a creative concept I designed; the reason why I stopped doing that was because I erred on the side of respect. So, sometimes I didn’t get the shot of celebrity what’s-his/her-face because I asked and the answer was “No, this is my personal time.” You mean you missed so-and-so? Yeah, yeah I did. I’ve worked with celebrities in other capacities as well and even though that is a “job” they’re also human beings. There were other politics associated with the tab, too, since the feature’s popularity grew and my more casual/candid style didn’t suffice anymore. It was fun. I’m glad I had the experience. And I’ve moved on.

Anyway, back to storytelling. I have an idea in my head for a dark story about a celebrity musician trapped (literally) by his fame. (Remember: I’m the writer who lurks in the dark. Hee.) This has been explored in depth before — the film The Island has an interesting, if horrific take on that. But, sometimes I need to write for the sake of writing, so I can get that concept out of my system and move onto something else. I often use the second person to explore empathy, to address the fictitious character as if they’re sitting right in front of me, to flesh out how I feel about him (or her).

With that in mind, here’s my character profile:

    Dear Rock Star:

    We’ve never met. I suppose we never will, even if we did. Oh, I know I’d be standing in front of you, Mr. Rock Star, shaking your hand, telling you how much I enjoy your music, but that’s not you. Not really. That’s the “you” perfected by publicists and marketers, make-up artists and advisors, and the image demanded by millions of fans. I may want to feel the grip of your hand because you touched me with your music — but that’s just the bioware housing whatever’s trapped inside.

    If you took your shirt off, would I see the bite marks? The pieces of skin ripped from your body, inch by inch, stealing your humanity?

    What happened? You used to be the boy with a dream. Now, you’ve become the dream and the boy has been beaten into submission. You’ve been wiped out. Gone. Only an echo remains.

    You’re not a man, either. Not really. Bossed around, sucked up to, seeking endless amounts of approval — you’re lost and this realm is your personal hell.

    I’d say “Lost, my friend.” but you won’t listen to a stranger or wait for synchronicity. Not anymore. The vultures you confide in would kill you in your sleep to profit off your death. They’re not going to go through with murder, but they’re thinking it. They’re feeling you’ve outlived your splendor. You’ve hit your peak. There is nothing, save for that one song everybody knows, that you could do to top that.

    Where are you, man? Do you need a map to find your way home? What is home, but a collection of all the shit you’ve never wanted and all the shit you think you’re supposed to have. You entertain. You have people you call “friends,” but really they’re just folks who want a taste of your fame. You’re the cool guy, so you be cool, even when you don’t wanna be. Then, your “friends” suck off that cool so they can be cool, too.

    But you’re not cool. Not anymore. You’ve been sick. Diseased, deep down inside. For a long time. Oh, you did try and fix it. You went through rehab. Twice. You thought marrying Mrs. Rock Star might help, but your relationship is just a band-aid. You know that. She knows that. And one day, you’re both going to have a hard time facing that. Already, there’s cracks in your relationship but you don’t want to admit what’s happening, so you’ll ignore your growing issues and hope the marriage’ll sort itself out — but you have no one to turn to, no place to go for advice.

    Who’d understand, anyway? Imagine the hell you’d go through if you did divorce that plastic doll. You’re living the dream, right? Only that’s the price you paid. Everybody’s lying to you because you’re the Rock Star. You have something to give them. They made you. You owe them your legacy. Or do you?

    The dream is fading. The Rock Star is disappearing along with your fame. You’ll live on in your song. But you died along time ago.

    So when I come for your autograph, if I have the time, it’s to commemorate your death, man. It’s to stand witness to the boy with a dream, who one day grew up to write this amazing song everybody knows.

    Rest in peace.

    Mood: Wintermudgeon
    Caffeinated Beverages Consumed: Beh
    Work-Out Minutes Logged Yesterday: House cleaning. Grr.
    In My Ears: Nothing
    Game Last Played: Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed
    Movie Last Viewed: A Good Day To Die Hard
    Latest Artistic Project: Contest design (In progress)
    Latest Release: “The Button” We Are Dust anthology

Miss Random USA

Yuna Final Fantasy X-2

Good morning! Well, this week was supposed to be a strict “reading deprivation” diet. I made it all the way to Wednesday — excited I’d gotten so much done — then Thursday I blew it. Mostly because I was nervous sitting in the doctor’s office, waiting for the SO to come back from his appointment. (Good news, so far. Phew!) And got overly excited with the Top Cow Talent Hunt announcement that loomed on my immediate horizon. The contest had almost 900 writers submit and the commonalities of the pitches helped eliminated the writers. While I did not win, I am very happy for whomever did, though! However, that does not declare the end of my fate in comics. I signed a contract for an original short comic and I’m pitching another series. So, I won’t qualify next time around, but I’m very excited that I’m finally breaking into this industry.

I’m trying the reading deprivation tack again for another week. I managed to get the edits done for an adventure science fiction novella and have to enter them into Megatron (my compy) yet, but that should be done today along with cleaning and a plethora of [Redacted Projects x a lot]. This is the first time The Thirteen is reading one of my longer works and I’m anxious to see how they critique this. Then, we’ll try an even longer novella. Hee.

I finally sent out some of my Christmas presents, which will be pictured at bottom. The red quilted earrings, choker, and copper ball drops are original designs; the other two are variations on a pattern. I had no choice but to stick to my original Edward Gorey plan o’ Christmas cards. Only, the interior said Season’s Greetings. I may have decorated the inside with flowers, music notes, and other paraphernalia by saying Happy Spring Season’s Greetings, but so it goes.

Because I was supposed to reduce my intake of words, when I did get caught up in news, I was more painfully aware of what happened when I did. A few articles in particular got under my skin. Namely, having to do with politics and predisposition, the Magdalene Laundry tragedy, and the Orson Scott Card writes Superman kerfluffle.

I took my stress as a learning opportunity and translated the experience into hard data, a tactic designed to reduce stress and increase productivity, and wrote about it for as a two-part article. I’ll let you know when it appears.

The other consequence to going offline is that I miss news and whatnot. This weekend, I’ll also be putting together some lots for an auction called “Evil for Crestline.” You can read more about the tragedy (the burning down of Crestline Elementary and its effect on the community) in the auction. I’ll update you about that, too, as more news develops.

Overall, I’m very happy because I’m seeing immediate payoffs to the attention I’ve given to my business, the goals I’ve set, and what I’ve achieved so far. My writing pace is back where it needs to be (3,000 to 5,000 words per day) and I’m steadily pursuing a better and a consistent method of editing. What I’ve found, there, is that it all comes down to how the draft was written. I know a lot of writers talk about process, but I prefer to internalize those elements and the only way to do that? For me, the answer is to write. Not talk about writing or give advice or obsess about process — but write. If I can’t write, I show up anyway, and flip to something else. But tying my creative work to the dollars I earn has been the best motivator, overall.

And, for that reason, I believe 2013 is the true start to my career. *winks*

Here are the pics!

Red Quilted Earrings 2
Cupcake Pendant 2
Victorian Choker and Copper Ball Earrings 2
Daisy Crystal Bracelet 2

    Mood: Not caffeinated enough.
    Caffeinated Beverages Consumed: WAY too much pop-a-doodle-doo.
    Work-Out Minutes Logged Yesterday: Walking. In the bitter cold.
    In My Ears: Cher! ‘Cause… CHER!
    Game Last Played: Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed
    Movie Last Viewed: A Good Day To Die Hard
    Latest Artistic Project: SHINIES. A few you can see above!
    Latest Release: “The Button” We Are Dust anthology

Why Skulls

The Tick Weapons Lab Avatar

Taking a quick break between projects today to whittle down the dread pile o’ mailing and dive into more research. I made a master to do list and found there’s a lot of it to do. Sigh. Anyway, in between that and trying to figure out why the HECK my Bowie ain’t playing like he should on iTunes… Yes, I am having a day filled with minor annoyances. Minor, but still annoying. Like the fact my cats are both fuzzy, little angels today while, just yesterday, they were hell cats. This is because they know when I’m on deadline. Eesh.

So, today I shall reveal a secret. Why skulls? Why do I design skull jewelry like the earrings below and collect skull scarves (I currently have three), etc.? (You should see my house. It’s not country living, that’s for sure!)

haunted skullSkulls are an ancient symbol and, in many world myths, is believed to be where the soul is housed. A reminder of our own mortality, a skull can also signify miracles, rebirth, and other magical concepts connected to the passage of time and how we move through that. Of course, the symbol had more pragmatic uses for pirates and prostitutes. Symbols are often used to clearly identify groups of people or evoke emotions — like fear or the radical notion that all human beings end up the same way. “Death comes to us all.”

I’m a touch romantic. I rather like the idea that one symbol can mean two very different things. Not to mention, the “facing one’s mortality” has special significance to me. If you think about it, miracles tell us the fantastic can happen. Death, life — these aren’t just everyday miracles. This is magic.

When a skull starts “talking,” and death is at my door to reality — I watch for an everyday miracle. That’s what skulls do for me. Remind.

    Mood: Scully! Bad joke.
    Caffeinated Beverages Consumed: Iced tea. Yes, I’m waiting for Spring.
    Work-Out Minutes Logged Yesterday: There was a gym. I went to it.
    In My Ears: Nothing. For some reason, Dave Mathews Band. And then? Nothing. Oh, wait! BOWIE’S BACK!
    Game Last Played: Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed
    Movie Last Viewed: The Warrior’s Way
    Latest Artistic Project: SHINIES. Still need to take pics…
    Latest Release: “The Button” We Are Dust anthology
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