The flu has (unfortunately) taken me over. Yesterday’s post was tabled due to the net neutrality protests that effectively stalled out most sites. So today? You get two squees. Bite-sized, but they are there.
Here’s the first one. Ready?
Yep, these are the slippers of CHAMPIONS. I love fall, and I’m enamored with the fact that I can find non-heinous warm and toasty slippers a la Real Genius.
And here’s the second. Which is quite possibly the shortest squee I have ever squeed.
10/365 11/365
- Mood: I am L’il Miss Sniffles
Caffeinated Beverages Consumed: Coffee is the lifeblood that floweth through my veins.
Work-Out Minutes Logged Yesterday: Typing like mad!
In My Ears: Flubber with Robin Williams. *sad face*
Game Last Played: Age of Reckoning: Kingdoms of Amalur
Book Last Read: The Crimson Affair by Lilith Saintcrow
Movie Last Viewed: Labyrinth
Latest Artistic Project: I bought MOAR Halloween decorations.
Latest Fiction/Comic Release: Last
Latest Game Release: Hunter the Vigil: Mortal Remains
What I’m Working On: Primarily tie-in games work, original comics, and novels.
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