Sitting here with Enya blasting through Pandora nursing a “Oh ye stars… Why does my diet go to hell on deadline again?” stomach. As it is now 2015, a new set of squees is now needed. Woo!
1.) I organized my beads and chainmaille links. This is VERY IMPORTANT, as I have designs I bought beads for but couldn’t remember where all the pieces went.
2.) Medieval pet names. How cool.
3.) The holidays are over and my house is back to normal. Yay!
4.) Trying to set up recurring evenings of beadness and have a few months scheduled already. Forced social human interaction you say? Yikes! Er… Good!
5.) Have planned my convention appearances for 2015. I’ll be doing more of them.
6.) 13 Essential Summer Reads in 1852 gives a historical look during the time period. I believe that reading history is important, even if it makes me uncomfortable.
7.) Fire Mountain Gems, a bead supplier, posted an article about the eras of jewelry. From a designer’s perspective, this is really awesome.
8.) Pen PR0N!!! The seven-year pen from Seltzer. Yes, it writes very smooth.
9.) Four words: homemade chocolate chip cookies.
10.) Learning that yes, using a spatula to stir cookie dough is way better than a wooden spoon. Rock. Star.
11.) Re-obfuscating my hair. This makes me happy.
12.) Prepping for a writer’s retreat. Very excited!
13.) LEGO Doctor Who. Need I say more?
14.) I never get sick of watching The Avengers. So impressed with the connected plots that weave in and out of the movies and the S.H.I.E.L.D. TV show.
15.) Put in an order from JetPens.com for this calligraphy pen. Here’s the awesome part about this pen: the colors BLEND.
16.) Managed to clean our place before we left for California, so came back to a fresh pad. After one load of laundry, I’m totally caught up on maintenance-type crap. Woo!
17.) Starting to get some reviews for my latest project. Geist: Ready Made Characters. Glad fans are digging them!
18.) Two unannounced projects are moving forward, I’m getting caught up on other projects, and I’m making progress on my own stuff, too.
19.) Combat boots have been acquired. I’ve been looking for over a year, ever since my old ones got irreparably damaged on a trip. Opted to go with a convertible pair of Doc Marten’s and I’m really anxious to break them in.
20.) I mentioned earlier that I was starting to Couch to 5K program. Due to the pressure on my joints, I wasn’t ready for the speeds I was aiming for. I’ve since modified the program, but I’m keeping up with it despite my achilles tendon acting up. Really anxious to build some endurance and continue on the health train. It feels great to get my heart pumping again!
21.) A squee for Phil Reed and Sam Mitschke from Steve Jackson Games. They’ve been promoted!!! YAY!!! Well-deserved.
22.) Another squee for discovering Joseph Bruchac, a Native American author. Really powerful stuff.
23.) Happy that Constantine is getting some rave reviews. It’s a GREAT show and I’m thrilled for the cast and the team that put this together.
24.) Threw a holiday party to see some friends I haven’t seen for a while. Pretty excited about that! And, we’re keeping the good times going. Huzzah!
25.) Made my New Year’s Resolutions and am diving into the pile. So grateful for my co-writers and editors to be able to do what I do. Thanks for seeing 2014 through and cheers for a BIG 2015!
26.) We funded the Dark Eras Kickstarter in one day! I have a chapter in this supplement called “Doubting Souls” for Hunter: the Vigil.
27.) Fans are great. Fan feedback is what keeps me going! There’s been loads of it lately, and that’s keep me going.
28.) I don’t know if you’ve seen that Creative Process illustration that’s been floating around, but I managed to track down the artist who’s selling a print of it. Neat!
29.) I love it when art and history come together. This prize-winning animation lets you fly through 17th London. SO COOL!
30.) I’m ALMOST through Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch. Yay!
31.) Yes, I do have a room for GenCon. In fact, I’m coming back to the Writer’s Symposium! Huzzah!
Mood: Go, Go Gadget
Caffeinated Beverages Consumed: It’s winter. I lost track.
Work-Out Minutes Logged Yesterday: Butt in chair. LOTS of writing.
In My Ears: Coffee pot.
Game Last Played: Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
Book Last Read: All the work-related things.
Movie Last Viewed: Pacific Rim
Latest Artistic Project: Beading!
Latest Fiction/Comic Release: Last Man Zombie Standing.
Latest Game Release: Things Don’t Go Smooth
What I’m Working On: Primarily tie-in games work, original comics, and novels.