It’s been an emotional past couple of days, and I know there’s a long struggle for human rights ahead of us. As an artist, I don’t know what my role in this mess will be. I know some people believe that being an artist isn’t a crucial or worthy calling, that giving some relief or challenging the way people thought or playing games was not as important as heading issues straight on. All we are, are stories. Every article you read is a story. Every TV show you watch is a story. We intellectually distinguish fact from fiction, but not if that fiction sounds like fact. Stories are important–now more than ever–and they gave me a reason to live when I needed it the most.
The gaming industry, for all our issues, is part of my family, and people I’ve met in SF&F over the past few years are becoming that as well. Now, more than ever, artists of all stripes need each other. Our world may be divided, but we do not have to spread a message of hate. We are the story-makers, and we have that power. It’s time to saddle up, and bring some hope back that is badly, sorely needed. Who’s with me?
I posted a list on Twitter of ways to help your fellow artists, and here’s a summary of what I said:
Many freelancers like myself are worried about health insurance changes. There are a couple of ways to help. They are:
1) Write/share reviews: Many sites employ algorithms that use this as a metric, and reviews influence word-of-mouth sales as well.
2) Support disaster relief funds like The Hero Initiative and the RPG Creators Relief Fund
3) Support artists by talking about what you love, and not only what you “hate”. Yes, issues need to be called out–but so does the good.
4) Drop a thank you or letter of encouragement to your favorite artist. I cannot stress how important that will be and is right now.
5) Support diversity/inclusion by supporting better representation. Buy, read, and recommend books by authors affected. Directly helps!
6) When you see an artist attempting to say something positive as a means of fighting back against the negativity, RT them. It *matters*.
7) Keep in mind some artists won’t share their political views, not b/c they don’t care–but b/c they care TOO much. Have to protect hearts.
And lastly 8) Many of us have a Patreon, Etsy, Kickstarter, etc. We’d appreciate a signal boost even if you can’t afford it. Thank you!
Content, Comment, and Moderation Policy for My Social Media
This content, comment, and moderation policy draft applies to my accounts on third party social media platforms and forums that enable me to connect with peers, readers, players, friends and family. Due to the violence, suicides, and bullying fueled by an uptick in racism and xenophobia that is being reported here, here, here, here, and here, the draft of this policy is designed to clarify my stance as I interact with others online, as well as highlight what I do and do not find acceptable in order to make a safe space in my corner of the universe. For the time being, however, I do not plan on re-opening comments here on the blog. That may change if I decide to resume regular blogging, and if that becomes the case I will adapt this policy to ensure commenters are also protected.
This policy draft is my pledge to all those who are connected to me. My readers, my peers, my friends and my family are a melting pot of diverse voices, cultures, and identities. This is my commitment to them and, pending feedback on the draft, further updates may be made.
To comment or add to these points, you may post comments here, on my social media account attached to the link, or you can send me a private e-mail here. I pledge to listen to you and weigh decisions that will ensure the chorus of diverse voices I have come to need, love, and enjoy remains safe.
1.) Hate Speech: The American Bar Association defines hate speech as “speech that offends, threatens, or insults groups, based on race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or other traits.” If I see this in a comment or in a reaction to anything said by myself or those who connect with me, your comment may be screencapped or logged, it will be deleted, and you will be blocked/reported.
2.) Microaggressions: According to the American Psychiatric Association, “Some racism is so subtle that neither victim nor perpetrator may entirely understand what is going on—which may be especially toxic for people of color.” Microaggressions will be treated on a case-by-case basis and actions will depend upon what is being said, who’s saying it, and what the outcome of that conversation is. If I perceive anyone is hurt on my page, I will reach out to the person I perceive is hurt and ask them if they are okay and take it from there.
3.) Harassment/Doxing/Death threats: My actions regarding this will be the same as how I treat people who engage in hate speech. I do not, and will not, accept any death threats on my accounts toward any individual regardless of my views on the person being targeted. Death threats are not and never will be okay, and every death threat regardless of how it’s worded will be treated with the utmost severity.
4.) Screening: I pledge to be better about screening those I follow and connect with to prevent 1), 2), and 3) above. As part of that pledge, if you know of someone who is actively causing harm or harassing people we are mutually connected with on a consistent basis, please let me know.
Licensing rights to use, repurpose, or share something similar on your sites is Creative Commons Attribution 3.0.