When you are looking for full-or-part time employment as a writer, there is no such thing as a “writing” job category in the classifieds. Many employers don’t understand the full value of having someone employed as a full-time writer, and this shows when you look for opportunities. Most jobs have different aspects or components of them, one of which is writing. In other words, your full-time job could be 75% writing, 25% marketing, or it could be 50% writing, 50% web design, and so on.
So how do you overcome this? By researching on specific keywords instead of looking in categories. I’ve found writing opportunities in engineering, advertising, marketing, education, and so forth. Some positions didn’t even have the word “writing” in the job title, but the job was over 60% sitting down at a desk and copywriting or research writing every day.
A good thing to keep in mind, too, is that positions that are valued by an employer will appear in the classifieds and might pay higher than it would if it was a job posting in a window. I’ve found this to be true time and time again, so be sure to do a little legwork researching your potential employer before you apply to classified ads.
Remember, finding a writing position is like trying to find a diamond in the rough.
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