Banned Books Week, Incidentally, and the Evidence

Darkwing Duck

I am the terror that reads in the night… I am the crusader that fights banned books…

It’s Banned Books Week, now through October 6th. It goes without saying that I am not a fan of banning or burning any tome. Any. I don’t care if the story is the worst piece of crap ever written, it has been written — and only through reading, discussing, and learning will we evolve as a species. Yes, I am fiercely on the side of pro-literacy. If ever there was an issue that I feel very strongly about, it’s this one. Books are printed recordings of our humanity and I cannot think of anything, save other artistic disciplines and interpretations, that’s more valuable.

Incidentally, there’s a comic about banned books that’s been tossed around a bit via e-mail and whatnot. It’s not getting proper accreditation, so I’d like to give a shout-out to Incidental Comics. (Sure, no one has used that joke before.) Why hasn’t this comic artist gotten a book deal or an invite to pen a comic for The New Yorker? There are some really insightful pieces in Snider’s collection that you can also purchase as a poster. Highly recommended.

The other day, I hinted I might share another horrendous draft with you. Still posturing that, if only because I would like to share more finished prose with you before I dive into the awful. After all, you want good stories from me, don’t you? 😀 I also embarrassed myself mightily by mentioning the mess of gigantic size in my office. Well, I have no shame. Here it is:

Yes, it's a gigantic pile of crap in my office.

There are the remnants of miscellany and flotsam. Once I’m through that, I can finish reorganizing my art supplies, plant my terrarium, and dive into paperwork. Thankfully, I have a better space to work now.

The Window View

Now that the room is better constructed, I have a place to do yoga and, if need be, set up a small table for additional art projects like painting and whatnot. I really needed the ability to shut my door and have my own space to be more productive. I talked about adding back in some discipline and, in a way, this hearkens back to when I used to practice piano for hours at a time. While I am hoping to shoot for a word count goal, to start with I am swimming back into blocking out chunks of time at a set period every day.

To help track my progress for my original fiction, I came up with this beauty.

To Track Word Count

Basically, it’s a weekly organizer in the form of a write on/wipe off sticker that I’ve decorated and stuck to my desk. Goals can change, but here this reminds me that whenever I’m penning “original fiction,” I have a goal. This is above and beyond what I normally write, edit, or blog. Right now, I need to separate that out because “on spec” isn’t pay-the-bills work and my freelancer brain sometimes has a hard time reconciling that. It’s a solution to my problem which is, if I don’t set time to work for myself, regardless of everything else I’m doing, then it’ll never get done.

I’ll post another picture in a month or so with the word count filled out. Hrmm… maybe even a graph, too!

    Mood: Suck gas, Evildoer.
    Caffeinated Beverages Consumed: The jig is up, you jaded, jug-headed, jack-in-the-box.
    Work-Out Minutes Logged Yesterday: Sheesh. They ought to lock me up just for wearing this ridiculous outfit.
    In My Ears: Let’s get considerate.
    Game Last Played: Who, what, where, and sometimes why?
    Movie Last Viewed: When there’s trouble, you call D. W.!
    Latest Artistic Project: Clever of me to use my spine to break my fall like that.
    Quote Attribution: Memorable Darkwing Duck Quotes courtesy of

Monica Valentinelli is an author, artist, and narrative designer who writes about magic, mystery, and mayhem. Her portfolio includes stories, games, comics, essays, and pop culture books.

In addition to her own worlds, she has worked on a number of different properties including Vampire: the Masquerade, Shadowrun, Hunter: the Vigil, Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn, and Robert E. Howard’s Conan.

Looking for Monica’s books and games that are still in print? Visit Monica Valentinelli on Amazon’s Author Central or a bookstore near you.

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