When you choose your next book off of the bookshelf, many genre writers can’t resist the temptation of reading only “their” genre. There is nothing wrong with reading other science fiction writers if you are a science fiction writer yourself, but you’ll find yourself quickly running out of ideas. Well-rounded writers should read outside of their comfort zone, and study how other writers write. Even if you normally don’t read romance novels, science texts, biographies or history, you might just find that by reading different kinds of content will give you a fresh perspective on your own writing. I have learned more about plot construction from reading outside my comfort zone, then reading inside my comfort zone. Non-fiction, especially gives you a lot of ground to take inspiration from. Read, and learn from writers in other fields. Your writing will be better for it.
About Richard Iorio: Since 1996, Richard has been a freelance writer and designer and has written for Atlas Games, Guardians of Order, Hogshead Publishing, and Zeitgeist Games (just to name a few). Currently, Richard is the Operations Manager for Goodman Games, as well as the co-owner and co-founder of Rogue Games, Inc.