Announcement: Change to Blog Design

As you’ve probably already guessed, my primary goal for this blog is to bring content that is not only applicable to aspiring freelance writers, but relevant. There are some amazing freelance writing blogs out there (watch for a blog carnival to celebrate these other places), but what I don’t want is to have a blog that appears spammish.

Hence, the new blog design makes it a touch more personal yet has the same type of content.

For those of you tech savvy bloggers, I added a few feed buttons on the navbar.

Happy Writing. More exciting updates coming to you soon.

About Me: Fiction Writing Update

If you’re interested in reading more about my own work, you can get the latest news about my fiction work, and a flash fiction piece, through my livejournal post.
Read Monica Valentinelli’s Fiction Update.

Thanks for reading, and happy writing!

Guest Blogger Writing Tip #2: Reading out of Discomfort

When you choose your next book off of the bookshelf, many genre writers can’t resist the temptation of reading only “their” genre. There is nothing wrong with reading other science fiction writers if you are a science fiction writer yourself, but you’ll find yourself quickly running out of ideas. Well-rounded writers should read outside of their comfort zone, and study how other writers write. Even if you normally don’t read romance novels, science texts, biographies or history, you might just find that by reading different kinds of content will give you a fresh perspective on your own writing. I have learned more about plot construction from reading outside my comfort zone, then reading inside my comfort zone. Non-fiction, especially gives you a lot of ground to take inspiration from. Read, and learn from writers in other fields. Your writing will be better for it.

About Richard Iorio: Since 1996, Richard has been a freelance writer and designer and has written for Atlas Games, Guardians of Order, Hogshead Publishing, and Zeitgeist Games (just to name a few). Currently, Richard is the Operations Manager for Goodman Games, as well as the co-owner and co-founder of Rogue Games, Inc.

Freelance Writing Tip #15: Play

When you’re frustrated with a project, or you can’t quite think of what to do next, schedule some “play” time. Play allows you to be creative and free–whether it’s playing with kids, playing a game, playing with art supplies, etc.–to recharge your creativity. Play is especially important if you’re doing editing work; flipping out of “editor” mode for an hour or two will give you the chance to “reboot” so when you do get back into it, you can “see” the big picture a lot better. The trick, of course, is to play, relax, recharge, and then motivate yourself quickly to get back to the task at hand. Too much play will work against you; not enough will burn you out.

Freelance Writing Tip #6: Read Other Authors Carefully

One of the best ways to hone your own writing is to read other authors you admire. If you know that you need to improve your pacing, read short fiction anthologies like the Book of Final Flesh or Voices from the Web 2006. Dialogue? Read screenplays like Gladiator Screenplay, plays like A Streetcar Named Desire or comic books like Marvel’s Civil War. If you’re interested in technical writing or business writing, read free annual reports for companies listed on Nasdaq, computer program instructions from Microsoft or Open Office, or even appliance booklets. By analyzing other writer’s works, you can infuse your writing with great techniques and stretch your writing muscles.

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Looking for Monica’s books and games that are still in print? Visit Monica Valentinelli on Amazon’s Author Central or a bookstore near you.


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