Returning to Game Hole Con

Game Hole Con 11 logo. The words are in fancy gold text outlined in black. Sits on an orange circle.

Hello excellent and admirable readers! I will be attending GameHole Con 11 to help celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Dungeons and Dragons! This year, I’m speaking on panels, running adventures I designed for Pinching Tarts and Scarred Lands 5th Edition, and a fun adventure called Sweet Dreams are Made of Cheese by the amazing Jamie Chan. I can’t wait to play D&D and enjoy a little cheesy fun!

Game Hole Con XI Event Schedule – Valentinelli

All times listed are in CST. For more information, or to register for an event, please visit the Game Hole Con website.

Thursday, October 17th, 2024

10 am: Save Alice from the Red Queen for Pinching Tarts (2 hours)

1 pm: Eyes of Spiragos for Scarred lands 5th Edition (3 hours)

Friday, October 18th, 2024

10 am: Running Games at Conventions (1 hour)

2 pm: How to Speak Creator (1 hour)

7 pm: How Did You Get Published (1 hour)

Saturday, October 19th, 2024

10 am: One Page RPG Indie Game Design Jam – Dragon theme! (2 hours)

2 pm: Eyes of Spiragos for Scarred lands 5th Edition (3 hours)

7 pm: Sweet Dreams are made of Cheese for D&D 5th Edition (3 hours)

Sunday, October 20th, 2024

11 am: Save Alice from the Red Queen for Pinching Tarts (2 hours)

Hope to see you there!

The text of this image is in the post. Schedule card on a gold scale background.

My Schedule for GameHoleCon IX!

Hello, hello! Next week I am a guest at Gamehole Con IX. Here’s my schedule of panels and events. All times are listed in Central Standard Time. You can find descriptions, a list of my fellow panelists, and register for the convention at

Thursday, October 20

11:00 am – Get Published: Marketing Panel Waubesa: 245

1:00 pm – Design Workshop: Narrative Design Waubesa: 245

Friday, October 21

11:00 am – Get Published: Crowdfunding Panel Waubesa: 245

5:00 pm – World Building with Psychology in Mind Waubesa: 245

7:00 pm – Legacy of Mana D&D 5e Monona: 247

8:00 pm – Drinks with Authors Balcony

Saturday, October 22

1:00 pm World Building Panel Monona: 247

2:00 pm Conversations by Design: Monica Valentinelli Waubesa: 245

6:00 pm Novel Writing: Going Pro Waubesa: 245

7:00 pm Demiplane Vampire the Masquerade Monona: 247

Donate to Affect my Character During our Extra Life Charity Stream!

One Night in Ravenloft

In my list of announcements earlier this week, I mentioned I’ll be playing in an Extra Life Ravenloft game to help me raise money for sick kids.

I now have an awesome donations page set up! For as little as $10 you can affect my character. Huzzah! All donations will be fulfilled on Saturday, October 23rd during our fun game.

You do not have to be in attendance to participate; you can watch virtually or donate ahead of time.

Link to Stream:

Link to Donate: Monica Valentinelli’s Donation Page on Extra Life

My GameHoleCon 2021 Schedule of Guest Events

Hi everyone,

At the moment, I am planning to present at GameHole Con 2021 in October. Barring cancellation or changes due to the coronavirus, this is the schedule of events you can sign up for. The 5th Edition adventures are set in Ravenloft; you can find full descriptions in the event listings.

Thursday, October 21

Noon: The Box of Knowing 5th Edition adventure

4:00 pm: Working With Established Worlds seminar

Friday, October 22

10:00 am: City Building Workshop

1:00 pm: The Shadow Labyrinth 5th Edition adventure

6:00 pm: Rethinking Fear in Horror Games with Dr. Megan Connell

Saturday, October 23

6:00 pm: One Night in Ravenloft, a live stream to benefit ExtraLife

Sunday, October 24

10:00 am: The Shadow Labyrinth 5th Edition adventure

Monica Valentinelli GameHole Con 2021

[Guest Schedule] My RadCon Panels


I previous announced that I’m a guest of honor at the RadCon Science Fiction and Fantasy convention in Pasco, Washington. Today, I’m happy to share my panel and event schedule with you. All scheduled events are one hour long.

Friday, February 14

Collaborating Without Bloodshed
5:45 p.m. / 3121

Ever wondered how authors, writers, artists, and other creative’s work together on the same project without driving each other crazy? Come find out tips and tricks to make the collaborative process work for you.

Researching and Writing
7:00 p.m. / 3125

From science to history to magic, the world is full of source material for writes if you only know where to look. Our panel of writers, game designers and fellow travelers will share tips and tricks to help you research your worlds.

Saturday, February 15

Creating Believable Religions
11:30 a.m. / 3125

Creating believable religions From the creations of gods to the interpretations of their messages and powers, we will examine how to create religions within a world that are compelling and believable.

Writing Guest of Honor Keynote
12:45 p.m. / Bronze: Main Stage

That’s right, readers. Someone decided it was a good idea to give me a microphone and a stage. Hee.

Reading and Signing with Monica Valentinelli
2:00 p.m. / 3121

I will be bringing bookplates! Some of my books and games are ginormous and I realize they might be too taxing to lug around.

Deep Dive on Worldbuilding and Magic
4:30 p.m. / 3125

Ever wonder how magic systems in fantasy are created? In this panel, we’ll discuss tips and tricks to create your own magic system using historical occult sources and folklore as inspiration.

Sunday, February 16

Magic and Pop Culture
12:45 p.m. / 3117

Magic is experiencing a wonderful renaissance in modern storytelling. How do contemporary TV shows like She-Ra, The Dragon Prince, The Witcher, and The Magicians portray magic? Magicians? What do we enjoy? Wish was improved?

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Looking for Monica’s books and games that are still in print? Visit Monica Valentinelli on Amazon’s Author Central or a bookstore near you.


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