My Schedule at Geek*Kon

Hi everyone,

I have invited to be a guest at Geek*Kon in Madison, Wisconsin. I’ve posted my schedule below for those of you who are interested in dropping by. Here’s my schedule:


2:00pm-3:00pm – Opening Ceremonies


12:00pm-1:00pm – Game Publishing
2:00pm-3:00pm – Writing Panel
4:30pm-5:30pm – World Building


12:00pm-1:00pm – Being an Effective Reviewer/Critic
2:00pm-3:00pm – Autograph Session
4:00pm-5:00pm – Closing Ceremonies

My Guest Appearance at Geek*Kon 2010

Geek*Kon Madison 2010Hi, just wanted to mention that I’ll be a guest at Geek*Kon in Madison, Wisconsin at the Marriott Inn West. Right now, I’m planning on attending during Saturday, September 4th and Sunday, September 5th, but that may change depending upon my professional obligations.

I will be on four panels, which I’ve listed below, and I will be milling about for the various events and whatnot. Come say hello!

    Saturday, September 4th

    12:00 pm to 1:00 pm — Game Publishing
    2:00 pm to 3:00 pm — Writing Panel
    4:30 pm to 5:30pm — World Building

    Sunday, September 5th

    1:00 pm to 2:00 pm — Being an Effective Reviewer/Critic

Be sure to drop by the Geek.Kon website to learn more about this Madison-based convention.

My Schedule at the GenCon 2010 Writer’s Symposium

The GenCon Writer’s Symposium offers aspiring writers, editors and game designers the ability to get in touch with professionals that hail from all corners of the publishing industry. Organized by Jean Rabe, this series of panels is designed to help aspiring professionals kickstart their career.

Here are the panels that I will be speaking on. The person moderating will have a star next to their name.

Thursday, August 5th

    3:00 p.m. Writing and Editing for Online Publications – Track A – Jennifer Brozek*, Monica Valentinelli – There’s a difference in on-line versus paper markets… how to write for them, how to submit, how to find the best publications and rates out there. Join our panelists for a look at the digital marketplace.
    4:00 p.m. Bring Out Your Dead – Track B – Richard Lee Byers*, Anton Strout, Wes Nicholson, Tim Waggoner, Monica Valentinelli – Vampires, ghosts, and zombies, oh my! Breathe life—so to speak—into your undead characters. Discover what rules apply and what should be ignored when writing about the undead.

Friday, August 5th

    1:00 p.m. Building Your Online Reputation – Track B – Monica Valentinelli*, Anton Strout, Kelly Swails – Your Online Reputation: When is it appropriate to work for free? How can you cater to the readers who visit your website? What do you need to watch out for so you don’t “spam” your fans with content? Our panelists tackle these topics and more, including how to promote your writing via the Internet.
    2:00 p.m. Pick My Brain – Track C – Monica Valentinelli – These types of sessions allow you to come visit with individual authors in a one-on-one pow-wow. If you’re stuck and my expertise can help you, this is the place to be.
    3:00 p.m. Women Writing Men – Track A – Elizabeth Vaughn*, Kerrie Hughes, Kelly Swails, Linda Baker, Monica Valentinelli – So you want to create a main character that doesn’t match your gender. You want the woman believable, and you want to avoid stereotypes and clichés. How do you get into such a character’s head? How can a guy “write” a convincing gal? Our panelists are adept at doing just that and are chomping at the proverbial bit to share their expertise.

Saturday, August 6th

    1:00 p.m. Pros and Cons of the Small and Large Press – Track B – Dylan Birtolo*, Donald Bingle, Monica Valentinelli – Small and Large Press: We’ve been published by major New York houses as well as small press companies and have had varying degrees of success with both. We’ll discuss the differences between writing for a large publisher versus a small one, and the advantages and disadvantages of both.
    2:00 p.m. Pay It Forward – Track A – Monica Valentinelli*, Kerrie Hughes, Marc Tassin, Tim Waggoner – Help other writers, and you’ll end up helping yourself. Topics we’ll tackle include mentoring, managing expectations of other writers, when it’s appropriate to pitch ideas to other professionals, the downside of too much shameless self-promotion, and building a writer’s community for support.

I hope that you will be able to join me and the other experienced professionals at GenCon. There are a lot of really interesting panels this year, and with the size of these panels I feel you’ll be able to benefit from the knowledge that everyone has to offer you.

GenCon 2009 and the Writer’s Symposium Wrap-Up

GenCon this year was a world of difference from last year, partially because instead of running a booth I was on several panels at the Writer’s Symposium. This selection of panels, organized by Jean Rabe was structured so that budding writers and game designers could get the help that they needed on a variety of topics ranging from world-building to their careers. In my opinion, even with my late evenings, I thought that the panels went really well because they were focused and pragmatic. Some of the panelists included authors like: Anton Strout, Pat Rothfuss, Mike Stackpole, John Helfers and Kerrie Hughes, Jean Rabe, Paul Genesse, Jennifer Brozek, Kelly Swails, Chris Pierson and more!

Part of the reason why I felt the panels went well, was because they were highly organized but didn’t limit the type of writing someone might be interested in. As you might be aware, game writing is different from writing in shared world settings, which is different from writing original fiction. Panelists came from a variety of backgrounds, and I felt that really helped provide a rainbow of advice and tips for upcoming writers.

Read the rest of my wrap-up at

My GenCon 2009 Writer’s Symposium Schedule

Folks, things have been a bit crazy on my planet as I get ready for GenCon: Indy. This will be my first year I’ll be speaking on panels through the Writer’s Symposium, even though this is definitely not my first speaking engagement. I’ll be bringing along some mini-flyers for those of you that are interested in picking up the games or some of the fiction I’ve written for, with info where they’ll be at the con. I’ve received word that my latest contribution in Family Games: 100 won’t be available until after GenCon, but that doesn’t mean you can’t pre-order a copy. (Shameless plug, I know. Please forgive me!)

Please keep in mind that there will be a ton of really great authors in the Writer’s Symposium that you might recognize. Jean Rabe, Patrick Rothfuss, Paul Genesse, John Helfers, Anton Strout, Mike Stackpole, Ed Greenwood and many other wonderful authors will be here, so be sure to bring your books and get them signed, too!

Without further ado, here’s my schedule for the GenCon: Indy 2009 Writer’s Symposium:

Thursday, August 13

    2:00 p.m. Main Hall – Author’s Alley – Come say hello! John Helfers and Kerrie Hughes will also be around in this area where you can meet-and-greet your favorite authors!
    4:00 p.m. The Marriott (Santa Fe)Switching Gears: Fiction to Game Writing and Back Again – Jean Rabe, Marc Tassin, Robert, Farnsworth, Monica Valentinelli – The genres require different styles of writing, and if you want to work in both industries you have to be able to switch gears…and don’t let them hear the dice rolling when you do it.
    5:00 p.m. The Marriott (Santa Fe)Shameless Self-Promotion – Paul Genesse, Donald Bingle, Monica Valentinelli – Web pages and blogs and going to conventions…oh my! Promoting yourself andyour writing is necessary in today’s market. But how far should you go? Just how do you promote yourself without sounding desperate? Our panelists offer their sage advice on how to draw attention to you and your work economically and ethically.

Friday, August 14

    9:00 a.m. The Marriott (Lincoln)Urban Fantasy – Anton Strout, Kerrie Hughes, Monica Valentinelli – Is there still room in the market? Can the public handle another vampire detective? Our panelists have written urban fantasy and discuss the ingredients, what makes a successful fantasy city yarn, and how you can try to break into the genre.
    12:00 p.m. The Marriott (Santa Fe)Author Reading – Anton Strout, Monica Valentinelli – Come and listen to us read from our published (and maybe even unpublished!) works.

Saturday, August 15

    8:00 a.m. The Marriott (Lincoln)Worldbuilding: Mythology – Chris Pierson, Sabrina Klein, Monica Valentinelli, Robert Farnsworth – The mythology of your world makes a huge impact on how your story is perceived. Should you lift a mythology from an ancient culture? Twist a current one? Or create one from scratch? Our panelists take on making mythologies convincing, realistic, and interesting.
    9:00 a.m. The Marriott (Lincoln)Worldbuilding: Magic, Technology and Evolution – John Helfers, Kerrie Hughes, Chris Pierson, Monica Valentinelli – We’re living in a time when technological evolution has made a tremendous difference in most of our world’s societies. What would your characters’ evolutionary paths be if they used magic instead of computers? How does magic or science affect a society’s evolution? We’ll examine how patterns of change affect your world and characters and how to twist technology with magic or vice versa.
    1:00 p.m. Main HallAuthor’s Alley – Paul Genesse and Monica Valentinelli

Sunday, August 16

    8:00 a.m. The Marriott (Santa Fe)Tough Guys and Gals in Fiction – Elizabeth Vaughan, Kelly Swails, Monica Valentinelli, Robert Farnsworth – Hard-edged characters are very popular…Conan, Xena, Laura Croft, the Terminator, and the Punisher. Why do we like the shoot first, ask questions later characters? What is their place in modern fiction, and how can we use them in our own stories?
    9:00 a.m. The Marriott (Santa Fe)Pardon Me, But I’m a Writer… – Kelly Swails, Robert Farnsworth, Elizabeth Vaughan, Monica Valentinelli – …and I’d like to know all about…Do you need to know what goes on in the kitchen of a Japanese restaurant? How a horse moves? Which everyday plants are poisonous? What ratlines are? Research in an important part of writing, and sometimes it involves approaching others for information. Join us for a fun panel on how to get information from mundanes without appearing to be crazy.

Special thanks to Jean Rabe for allowing me to be a part of the Writer’s Symposium this year. Hope to see you there!

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