As the brand manager/lead writer for the Firefly RPG, there is nothing that makes me feel happier than being able to make good on a promise. We said we were going to offer the Wedding Planners Cortex Classic Set in July, ahead of the Gaming In The ‘Verse: GenCon 2013 Exclusive, and?
Today is that day.
A Letter From Margaret Weis
My fellow Browncoats:
It’s hard for me to imagine how much time has passed since my company first started in 2005. I remember standing at GenCon with stacks of freshly-printed books talking to hundreds of gamers about the movie Serenity and, of course, Firefly. It’s no secret I’m a big fan of the ‘Verse and have loved the series since it first debuted. I know many of you feel the same way, too.
Some of you may remember that the history of Margaret Weis Productions is closely tied to Firefly and other, popular science fiction shows and movies. Those games used a system we now refer to as Cortex Classic and were published over eight years ago. Since that time, we’ve revised and updated the game mechanics to a more streamlined system we now refer to as “Cortex Plus.”
That’s why I am thrilled to present the first Echoes of War adventure for the FIREFLY RPG. But, more than that, I’m excited that we’re offering my adventure in two systems for our fans: Cortex Classic and Cortex Plus.
This edition of Wedding Planners uses the Cortex Classic stats from our original game system and complements the Serenity Crew in Cortex Classic and the CORTEX CLASSIC SYSTEM ROLE PLAYING GAME included with this release. We are offering this option to fans of our original game mechanics as a way of saying “Thank You!” for being such an important part of my company. We have not forgotten about you!
The Cortex Plus version, which will employ our shiny new FIREFLY RPG game mechanics, will be released separately and will be clearly marked as such.
Regardless of what system you love, I hope you have fun with Wedding Planners and are excited as I am to play in the ‘Verse!
Margaret Weis
July 2013
The above text is republished from a letter that appears in the Wedding Planners Cortex Classic adventure. A PDF version of this letter is available here.