Ia! Ia!
Greetings fellow cultists! It gives me great pleasure to announce that I will have a very dark short story titled “The Dig” in an upcoming issue of the Lovecraft eZine.
The Lovecraft eZine is a monthly magazine for aficionados of fiction and other content with a Lovecraftian flair. Think Cthulhu! Dagon! The Necronomicon! Star vampires! But also. . .themes that were inspired by H.P. Lovecraft’s stories.
I have a soft spot for “The Dig” because its evolution is dark and dire, indeed. In many ways, I had to dig through revisions, continually adding more text and revising it’s tragic end once, twice, and three times to finally get it into a state I was happy about. It was rejected in a previous state, but luckily I had a fantastic editor who was so, so kind enough to provide comments. He was right. Hence, the incarnation submitted here.
And you’ll get to read it. For free. Sometime this year. But I can’t tell you when. . .yet. Muwahahahahaha.
Please, do not be afraid. Go check out the other stories and illustrations in the Lovecraft eZine today!