October Announcements, New Releases, and Classes!

Hello readers! I have several announcements to share with you today. For your convenience, I’ve collated them all into one giant update.

New Story with Character Rules

I’m pleased to announce I am an Infinite Master and released two titles today. Pathfinder Infinite is a new community content program for Pathfinder 1st and 2nd edition as well as the space-themed Starfinder.

Revenge of the Deceiver

My short story is a “buddy villain” tale titled Revenge of the Deceiver and includes 10 adventure seeds. Set in the necropolis Aerduin’s Folly, it pairs one of the reincarnated serpentfolk with an exiled goblin named Scribbleface.

Click here for Revenge of the Deceiver. This horror story is $1.99 and is available in PDF, mobi, and ePub formats.

I also released Unlikely Companions as a complement to this Pathfinder-inspired tale. If you dig the tale of Chissinilath the Reincarnated and Scribbleface, or want new NPCs to use in your Pathfinder 1E campaign, you’ll find stats, tips, and write-ups for both characters.

“Unlikely Companions” is available because of Scott Holden’s extensive rules knowledge. We worked together on Dagger of Spiragos and Ring of Spiragos for Scarred Lands, and he dropped everything to help.

Click here for Unlikely Companions. Available in PDF format for 99 cents. Compatible with Pathfinder First Edition rules.

Click here to view the Spiragos-themed Scarred Lands adventures. Available in PDF format at multiple price points. Compatible with Pathfinder First Edition and 5th Edition rules.

In-Person Workshop and Virtual Class

I’m teaching twice this month: A city-building workshop at Gamehole Con, and a virtual Horror in Gaming class on Halloween!

City Building Workshop: At Gamehole Con, I am teaching a city-building workshop to help you create settings for towns, villages, and cities where your characters live and thrive. Just a few spots left!

Virtual Horror in Games: On Halloween, I’m teaching a Horror in Games workshop through Rambo Academy for Wayward Writers. Perfect for DMs, narrative designers, and authors interested in fluid story dynamics. All participants will receive a full set of class slides. Sign up now and reserve your spot! kittywumpus.net/blog/class-horror-in-games

If you’d like to suggest a class or workshop you’d be interested, please use my contact form. I am starting to plan my 2022 schedule and am open to feedback.

Out Now! New Supplement!

Also new this week is World of Darkness: Ghost Hunters for Wraith: The Oblivion 20th Anniversary Edition. Several contributors worked on this—including me!

World of Darkness Ghost Hunters

This supplement is full of lore and narrative tips for running a story-centric game set in the World of Darkness. A great companion to this supplement is Haunting Shadows, which includes my 2021 Scribe Award-nominated short story “Scritch, Scratch”.

Click here for World of Darkness Ghost Hunters. Available in print and digital formats.

Click here for Haunting Shadows. Available in print and digital formats.

Halloween Sale at DriveThru

As you’ve probably guessed, several of the games I’ve worked on are genre-related and almost always include mystery, magic, and mayhem—sometimes all three!

To participate in the Halloween sale, click here! You’ll find a list of several titles in print and digital that I wrote, designed, or produced.

See You at GameHoleCon!

Last, but not least I’ll be at GameHole Con next week! I’ve got several events and panels planned—plus a virtual chance to watch my charity game!

Thursday, October 21

Noon: The Box of Knowing 5th Edition adventure – SOLD OUT

4:00 pm: Working With Established Worlds seminar – TICKETS AVAILABLE

Friday, October 22

10:00 am: City Building Workshop – 4 TICKETS LEFT!

1:00 pm: The Shadow Labyrinth 5th Edition adventure – SOLD OUT!

6:00 pm: Rethinking Fear in Horror Games with Dr. Megan Connell – GOING FAST!

Saturday, October 23

6:00 pm: One Night in Ravenloft, a live stream to benefit ExtraLife. – TICKETS AVAILABLE!

Sunday, October 24

10:00 am: The Shadow Labyrinth 5th Edition adventure – SOLD OUT!

Monica Valentinelli GameHole Con 2021

[New Release] Eyes of Spiragos RPG Adventure

Eyes of Spiragos

Eyes of Spiragos is a Scarred Lands adventure that takes place after Gauntlet of Spiragos on the Fangsfall Peninsula on Ghelspad. This Slarecian Vault scenario has been written and designed by Monica Valentinelli, the co-developer of Dagger of Spiragos and Ring of Spiragos, to deepen the impact of later events and uncovered secrets in this Spiragos-themed series. Typesetting and layout design was performed by Scarred Lands developer Travis Legge.

During the introductory adventure, Gauntlet of Spiragos, the PCs uncovered titanspawn artifacts. With the discovery of these unholy relics, the PCs faced an uncomfortable truth: Though the War between gods and titans is over, true evil lingers still. The events in Eyes of Spiragos deepen their understanding of what that revelation means and how they can overcome its taint.

Eyes of Spiragos is a three-chapter adventure optimized for 3rd level characters. It includes suggestions for further setting and rules modifications for ease of use. Gameplay is flexible but has one, narrative requirement: The PCs must have played through Gauntlet of Spiragos. It is also strongly recommended this scenario is completed prior to the finale: Ring of Spiragos.

The horror in Eyes of Spiragos is primarily physical and psychological to build off of the spider-themed elements introduced in Gauntlet of Spiragos, and to foreshadow what awaits them in future adventures.

Rules and setting information are drawn from the free, introductory adventure “Gauntlet of Spiragos” and the Scarred Lands Player’s Guide. Recommendations drawing from Creature Collection have also been included for a strong, thematic tie and to flesh out options for new encounters.

Eyes of Spiragos is now available on DriveThruRPG.com for $2.99.

New Release! SISTERHOOD: Dark Tales and Secret Mysteries

SISTERHOOD: Dark Tales and Secret Mysteries
In churches and convents and other religious communities, sisterhood takes many forms, forged and tested by such mundane threats as disease and despair, but also by terrors both spiritual and cosmic-Satan`s subtle minions and the Lovecraftian nightmare of the Outer Gods.

Sisterhood: Dark Tales and Secret Histories presents sixteen horror stories by some of the genre`s leading female voices. Their settings range around the globe and across the centuries, from 14th century Spain to 17th century Virginia to England in the present day.

In this collection, find my Mythos-inspired story “From an Honest Sister to a Neglected Daughter” written as a prequel to “The Dunwich Horror”.

Now available wherever books are sold, including DriveThruFiction.com.

Join me for SIRENS: Battle of the Bards on Kickstarter — FUNDED!

SIRENS: Battle of the Bards

Friends, I am so pleased to announce I’m writing for SIRENS: Battle of the Bards, a Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition campaign setting, featuring a stellar team of authors. I’ve been having so much fun I handed in my drafts a month ahead of schedule!

Do you love art? Satine Phoenix? Music? INTRIGUE? REBELLION? Then, the city of Salvata has something for you! I warmly invite you to check out SIRENS: Battle of the Bards on Kickstarter (which has already funded) and join Apotheosis Studios to celebrate this gorgeous game setting with fantastic art, music, prose — and so much more. Huzzah!

Now Available! Read about 5 Magical Creatures on Charmed at Tor.com

Hello, everyone! I’m so pleased to mention you can read Five Fascinating Magical Creatures that Debuted in the Original Charmed on Tor.com. I wanted to write this post as a follow-up to talk about my love as a fan of classic Charmed and the new show that debuted in Fall 2018.

Classic Charmed gives me a lot of fond memories. It was a show that broke a lot of ground for both female empowerment and the positive depiction of magical women. After watching the new Charmed show, I have a lot of feelings about what could still be done to bridge the gap between the two. I do feel both are strong shows—certainly, the new Charmed explores powerful interpersonal relationships, contemporary themes, and authentic practitioners—that approach story and setting very differently. Classic Charmed‘s narrative arc had more space and the stakes swelled with each season, but they were small and more personal in the beginning. The new Charmed, on the other hand, has a LOT of story in every season that significantly changes the world, the characters, and the stakes are very high.

That (ultra-high stakes) is an approach I fear will smother the show by the end of a third season.

Though I regard each show to stand on its own merits and can be critiqued separately, I want to point out that all of the actresses did a great job exploring witchiness from their characters’ perspectives. I do think there is one improvement that can be made to satisfy both older fans and new ones while giving a little oomph to the possibility of more seasons. One word: CROSSOVER! Why not lean into the parallel/alternate universes aspect they’ve already introduced? Wouldn’t that be awesome! Hell, I’d write a crossover miniseries (2-6 episodes) that bridges the best of both shows while introducing a new wrinkle going forward. Do I have ideas? Hah. YUP!

Regardless, I hope the crossover idea would be/has been considered for many, many reasons. There’s a really powerful statement that can be made by showing the true power of witchy sisterhood is not only intergenerational, it’s also intersectional.

More on Paracelsus

In my Tor.com article, I mentioned Paracelsus when talking about gnomes. Paracelsus is/was a key and controversial historical figure, both as an alchemist and physician, but he was also extremely misogynistic and racist even among his contemporaries because he drew from medieval perspectives. For example, there was a pervasive medieval view shared by physicians, such as Ambrose Pare, that women were responsible for the birth of monsters. I covered him more in depth for my newsletter subscribers at: https://booksofm.substack.com. You can join the conversation there. Yay!

Again: Thanks so much for reading and supporting my debut Tor.com article! EVEN MORE YAY!

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Looking for Monica’s books and games that are still in print? Visit Monica Valentinelli on Amazon’s Author Central or a bookstore near you.


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