[New Release] Dark Eras 2

Dark Eras 2 | Chronicles of Darkness Cover Art

Rebellions swell and vampires feed. Casualties of war draw Reapers to blood-soaked battlefields. Gilded ages benefit mortals and monsters alike.

How? Why? What role do the monsters play with us —- and each other?

Dark Eras 2 explores 13 new eras scattered throughout the history of the Chronicles of Darkness. This supplement was developed by Monica Valentinelli, Matthew Dawkins, and Meghan Fitgerald. Each chapter features two to three game lines which include Vampire: The Requiem, Mage: The Awakening, Hunter: The Vigil, Changeling: The Lost, and more!

The rules in Dark Eras 2 are compatible with second edition Chronicles of Darkness. Each terrifying time period and location is examined through the supernatural creatures that dwell there. Inside, you’ll find historically-inspired settings, story hooks, character-creation tips, gameplay advice, new Tilts, Conditions, and era-appropriate rules–and more!

Unlock the past. Find out what hides in the shadows. Dark Eras 2 is available now!

[New Release] WisCon Chronicles Boundaries & Bridges + Giveaway

WisCon Chronicles: Boundaries & Bridges

WisCon Chronicles: Boundaries & Bridges explores our understanding of boundaries and bridges, and what they mean for us as individuals and for our communities. The words we use matter, as essays that talk about feminist terms, gendered language, and even the name of the Tiptree/Otherwise award (which is almost inextricably identified with WisCon) demonstrate. The definition of “community” is also examined, both within WisCon and beyond, as it spills out into the wider world — including online spaces.

Check out this awesome list of contributors! Jess Adams, Charlie Jane Anders, Nancy Bird, Kristy Anne Cox, Katherine Alejandra Cross, Alexandra Erin, Nivair H. Gabriel, Sarah Gulde, Lauren Jankowski, Inda Lauryn, Elise Matthesen, Gabriela Damián Miravete, Chimedum Ohaegbu, Otherwise Board, Julia Rios, John Scalzi, Nisi Shawl, Monica Valentinelli, and G. Willow Wilson!

Limited Time Giveaway!

The first 100 people to register for WisCon 44, which will be held online Memorial Day weekend, will receive a copy of WisCon Chronicles: Boundaries & Bridges.

Please visit the Online Registration Page for WisCon 44 for more information about the giveaway, programming, and pricing. The essay collection can be purchased through the publisher’s website at aqueductpress.com

[New Release] Death is Not the End anthology for Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2nd Edition

Death is Not the End | Geist The Sin Eaters anthology

Death is not the end.

You learned that firsthand when you died. In that darkness, you made a deal that brought you back — with something else. Now, bound inextricably to a geist — a shade, a monster, a tragic, broken soul — you stand between the world of the living and the world of the dead.

This collection of eleven stories inspired by Geist: The Sin-Eaters Second Edition explores the haunted places in the Chronicles of Darkness. The anthology includes dark tales written by Lauren Roy, Eric Zawadski, Renee Ritchie, and more!

My short story is titled “Feasting on Twilight after Dark” and is set on the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s campus. There are many strange architectural aspects littering the campus and my tale highlights one of them. For years, I’d hear rumors about how different buildings were haunted–it’s the perfect Geist 2E setting! Plus, this story is a crossover between Geist: the Sin-Eaters Second Edition and Hunter: the Vigil Second Edition.

Want a haunting good tale? Death is Not the End for Geist: the Sin-Eaters is now available in eBook and print. You can find a copy on DriveThruFiction.com now or check for the Kindle and Nook editions in about a week.

Ahoy Mateys! Sea of Legends is Now on Kickstarter

Sea of Legends on Kickstarter Now! | Guildhall Studios

Ahoy! Are you hoping for a thrilling adventure on the high seas? Sea of Legends is a narrative-driven, open-world tabletop game for 1 to 4 players. Your decisions will make waves throughout the Caribbean as each player takes part in shared adventures woven together by our companion app. Choose wisely. In Sea of Legends, the fickle winds of fate can fill your sails or turn against you at any moment. With twenty-six writers crafting over 400 unique stories, you’ll never play the same game twice.

I’m so thrilled to be a part of this stellar project. Check out Sea of Legends on KickstarterSea of Legends on Kickstarter! We funded the same day. I can’t wait to see what stretch goals will be unlocked. Yay! More stories await!

Valentine | Sea of Legends

New to Game Writing? Take My Next Class!

Hi friends, a fun announcement today! I am teaching another online class about game writing on Sunday, April 26th through the Rambo Academy for Wayward Writers.

Do you love playing games? Ever want to write your own or for someone else? In this class, join industry veteran Monica Valentinelli for insight on how to write your own game or for your favorite type of game. Monica has worked on mobile games, IF games, card games, tabletop games, and more! Questions welcome!Intro to Game Writing Class with Monica Valentinelli

I cover a lot of ground to explain what a typical game writer does, what can be considered game writing, how different aspects of the industry affect prose, how communities form, and where to find work.

If you’re keen on taking my Intro to Game Writing class, more information (including pricing and scholarships) is available on the sign-up page. Happy gaming!

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