Reddit AMA Wrap-Up: Firefly, Alternate History, and Process

Wanted to pop in to say, first of all, a HUGE thanks to Steve Drew for reaching out to me. I had a blast answering questions for my Reddit AMA, and got the chance to offer some fun insight about my writing process, the Firefly RPG, and other passions of mine.

You can read the questions and my answers on this link: Happy Monday, Reddit! I’m Firefly RPG developer Monica Valentinelli.

The timing on this couldn’t be better! With GM’s Day starting tomorrow, has a ton of games–including the Firefly RPG at 30 percent off!

A Bucket o’ Fun Announcements

Good morning my fellow writers, game designers, and readers! I’m back from a wonderful writer’s retreat and am deep in the trenches. I’ve got a few announcements to make, so bear with me today.

  • Firefly RPG Wins 2nd Runner Up: In the Golden Geek Awards, the Firefly RPG won 2nd Runner Up behind Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition and Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition. Congrats to everyone who worked on this game, both past and present, and to the fans for voting! If you’re interested in trying out the RPG, the corebook is available in digital through and in print through and wherever games are sold.
  • Reddit AMA in /r/Fantasy: Thanks to the support and prompting by Steve Drew, I’ll be on Reddit doing an AMA on Monday, March 2nd. Celebrating my 10th year in the gaming industry, so drop by and ask questions about the Firefly RPG or my earlier work. I’m keen on answering questions about the shiny new Smuggler’s Guide to the Rim.
  • Watch for me at GTS: I will be attending the Gama Trade Show in Las Vegas and will be presenting as a game designer/developer. Very excited about this! It’ll give me a chance to connect with other industry folks and retailers, and talk about some of my experiences that I’ve had over the past decade.
  • New Reward Tiers on the Dark Eras Kickstarter: A lot of fans are really interested in expanding the existing chapters in the Dark Eras supplement, and there’ll be new reward tiers announced later today. Drop by later and check ’em out! We’re in the final throes of this wild ride!
  • Build-a-World at Mo*Con: I’m happy to announce that I’ve confirmed I’ll be running my Build-a-World Game Show at Mo*Con X! Yay! There will be shenanigans! I am hoping to find a sponsor to pick up the tab for the charity donation. Last year, Steven Saus donated $50 on behalf of his publishing company at ConText, and the winning team got to choose which charity to put that money towards.

That’s all I have time for today. To the deadlines! They won’t wait!

Last Chance! Dark Eras KS Ends Saturday A.M.

World of Darkness Dark Eras

Almost 1,500 backers. Over $90,000. And FOUR DAYS left!!! Wanted to give you an update that new reward tiers and polls will be launched as we ramp up to the end.

Thanks to all of you who backed the Dark Eras Kickstarter, shared your thoughts, and voted for this uniquely-developed book to add new Eras!

And thanks to those of you who’ve been reading along. The fact that I’m part of a Kickstarter isn’t easy on your end, simply because of the frequent updates you’re often subjected to. I do realize that and try to opt for the middle ground. I appreciate your support for my work either way. You rock!

New Release! Smuggler’s Guide to the Rim

Smugglers Guide

Does your Crew have what it takes to fly the Good Shepherd’s Run?

I am pleased to announce a brand new release for the Firefly RPG. The Smuggler’s Guide to the Rim is a supplement designed for both players and GMs. It introduces Reputation rules for Crewmembers, 12 new archetypes, the Good Shepherd’s Run, more Chinese translations, more rules, new in game aids, a pair of Episodes, and more!

The Smuggler’s Guide to the Rim was just released on digital, and will be available in print soon.

Vote for Expanding Hunter: the Vigil on Dark Eras

I am pleased to announce that Doubting Souls, our Hunter: the Vigil chapter covering 1690 to 1695 in Salem Town, Salem Village, and Boston is part of the next stretch goal for the Dark Eras Kickstarter.

You can vote for Hunter: the Vigil per this latest update, and any additional wordcount will be devoted to Native Americans.

There’s been quite a few questions about how we might expand that text, and we’re mulling over different options that are related to this Era and its overall plot should we win the vote. We did present some Native American material in the existing chapter that puts this Era in historical context, and you can read the entire chapter through the Kickstarter page.

Should you vote for Hunter, we will take the same, special care we did with the rest of the material to present new material for Native American tribes in context for this chapter. While this is alternate history, specifically designed for the World of Darkness, this topic in particular means a lot to both my developer and myself. We take it very seriously, and we feel it’s our duty to do the best job we possibly can for you, the fans, but also because we feel it’s our responsibility as writers, too.

Good luck to our fellow writers and developers on this neat stretch goal!

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Monica Valentinelli > Announcements

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