Search Engine Strategies: I’m in New York!

Thanks for staying tuned to my blog, I’m going to have a brief interruption this week primarily because I’ve been attending a work-related conference through Search Engine Strategies: New York. I’m listening to speakers and sitting in on some interesting sessions where buzzwords are floating around and everyone is in a tither over a little something called “universal search.”

So please, bear with me as I return home to my family in Madison, a daunting “to-do” list, and a rather larger “in” box that is
waiting patiently for me at my cool day job. 🙂

Happy scribing!

Writing Conference at UW-Milwaukee March 7 to 9 2008

Billed as the conference where “you CAN succeed as a writer, the Sixth Annual Spring Writer’s Festival at UW-Milwaukee offers a variety of seminars for novices to the craft. I have a vested interest in this conference because my Netconcepts work colleague, Jeff Muendel who writes for a variety of publications including CNet Searchlight and Practical eCommerce, will be presenting. His seminar is one of interest to many authors, it is titled, “A Writer’s Website” and takes place on Sunday, March 9th at 9:30 a.m. Jeff works as an analyst and has a lot of expertise to share — he’s also a fiction author in his own right — so if you’re planning on paying the $269 to go, be sure to stop by and listen to his “must-see” presentation.

Jeff Muendel’s presentation is perfect for any writer, novice or pro. Here’s the synopsis of Jeff’s presentation:

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Monica Valentinelli >

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