My 2024 Publications in Review

BooksOfM Logo. A black
2024 has been a wonderful year to rebuild and grow. I’ve re-established a wonderful baseline for my writing practice, presented at the Gen Con Writer’s Symposium and Game Hole Con, taught an online workshop through Clarion West, and began blogging again at I also recently celebrated a partnership with the Corvisiero Agency, too! Additionally, I was happy to explore a year-long theme of journalling prompts through this newsletter while making space to practice my art.

Personally, 2024 was a great year to focus on my mental and physical health. I’m incredibly lucky and happy that I have lots of support. Now that I’m gearing up for the next phase of my nefarious career, I’ve decided to pull back from volunteering with the exception of local efforts. Onwards and upwards!

Published Books in 2024

Following last year’s debut of my poetry collection, I released a print edition of into shadow: a poetic exploration of personal fears. Additionally, two collections featured my fiction. Both books are available wherever fine works are sold.

“Mythica D’Argent: Treatise Pertaining to the Mysterious of Silver”, The Dagon Collection, 2024, PS Publishing

“Crossed for Gold,” GO HARD OR GO HOME, a Car Warriors Autoduel Chronicles Anthology, 2024, Three Ravens Publishing

Published Games in 2024

This year, I participated in PocketQuest, an indie game design jam sponsored by This program spurred me to create an Alice-in-Wonderland themed game called “Pinching Tarts” and two gaming aids. When I first wrote this recap, back in December, I mentioned how I learned a lot from this experience and publishing my own game has factored into my goals for next year. Those goals may shift and change, however, depending on what happens to the seeds I’ve planted.

LEVEL ONE 2024 Volume 5, “Help BD738 Slash Run,” 2024, 9th Level Games


GUARD CARDS for Pinching Tarts, 2024, BooksOfM

CREATURE SHEETS for Pinching Tarts, 2024, BooksOfM

What’s next for me? Stay tuned and find out!

Returning to Game Hole Con

Game Hole Con 11 logo. The words are in fancy gold text outlined in black. Sits on an orange circle.

Hello excellent and admirable readers! I will be attending GameHole Con 11 to help celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Dungeons and Dragons! This year, I’m speaking on panels, running adventures I designed for Pinching Tarts and Scarred Lands 5th Edition, and a fun adventure called Sweet Dreams are Made of Cheese by the amazing Jamie Chan. I can’t wait to play D&D and enjoy a little cheesy fun!

Game Hole Con XI Event Schedule – Valentinelli

All times listed are in CST. For more information, or to register for an event, please visit the Game Hole Con website.

Thursday, October 17th, 2024

10 am: Save Alice from the Red Queen for Pinching Tarts (2 hours)

1 pm: Eyes of Spiragos for Scarred lands 5th Edition (3 hours)

Friday, October 18th, 2024

10 am: Running Games at Conventions (1 hour)

2 pm: How to Speak Creator (1 hour)

7 pm: How Did You Get Published (1 hour)

Saturday, October 19th, 2024

10 am: One Page RPG Indie Game Design Jam – Dragon theme! (2 hours)

2 pm: Eyes of Spiragos for Scarred lands 5th Edition (3 hours)

7 pm: Sweet Dreams are made of Cheese for D&D 5th Edition (3 hours)

Sunday, October 20th, 2024

11 am: Save Alice from the Red Queen for Pinching Tarts (2 hours)

Hope to see you there!

The text of this image is in the post. Schedule card on a gold scale background.

New Release! Guard Cards for Pinching Tarts TTRPG Now Available

"Guard Cards gold text on a green vintage book cover two crossed swords and a shield

Guard Cards is a pay-what-you-want game aid compatible with Pinching Tarts, a Wonderland-themed PocketQuest 2024 game designed by Monica Valentinelli. The cards can either be printed out and used as half-sheets or folded in half to create cards.

Guard Cards
is a digital download available from The game accessory is not playable on its own without a copy of Pinching Tarts. What it does include, are rules for all the foes you’ll encounter in the Red Queen’s Castle. It includes:

* guidance to introduce the Red Queen’s Guard
* alternate rules for Teatime! affecting guards
* cards for all foes expanding and clarifying core rules
* ranks for The Watch

The half-page guard cards include customized tracks for each guard’s hearts.

This printer-friendly title is a game accessory for Pinching Tarts, a caucus game of tart-stealing nonsense inspired by Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1865).

Download Guard Cards from!

New Releases! Pinching Tarts RPG and Creature Sheets Accessory

Pinching Tarts Cover Art | Alice in Wonderland white rabbit | PocketQuest Monica Valentinelli

Pinching Tarts is a caucus game of tart-stealing nonsense inspired by Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1865) that offers players multiple options to win. You and your friends play Wonderland creatures who infiltrate the Red Queen’s castle to steal Her Majesty’s tarts while protecting what you hold most dear-your heart.

Pinching Tarts is a GM-less game that uses 10 six-sided dice in two colors (five of each). It includes:

  • standard rules, tips, and rule summaries
  • character rules, characters, and character creation
  • rules for Teatime, “Eat Me” cakes, and “Drink Me” potions
  • optional rules to stash and eat tarts
  • sample rooms in the Red Queen’s castle
  • rules for antagonists including the Knave of Hearts, the Cook, and the Red King and Queen
  • a recipe for fruit-a-licious mini-tarts
  • …and more!

Your mission? Pinch tarts. Drink tea. Escape… With your heads tarts!

Suitable for two or more players, childlike adults and children, this tartacular game from veteran game designer Monica Valentinelli is her PocketQuest debut. Whether you play a duck, a dodo, or a dormouse it matters not, for each creature has their own talents, specialty, and heart. Gathered together, you form “les pièces de résistance,” a ragtag band of thieves who have targeted none other than the head-chopping Red Queen.

“I had a lot of fun designing ‘Pinching Tarts’ for my first PocketQuest, so much so I devised a fun origin story for the game’s development and layout,” writes Monica. “I pretended I ‘found’ this vintage game in a secondhand book store, but several pages were torn, missing, and scribbled on in crayon. So, I reconstructed the original game and now present it you as a found artifact full of sticky notes, parchment, scrap paper, etc.”

This title includes a full color and printer-friendly greyscale version. The printer-friendly version of Pinching Tarts has a full color cover, but the interior has been modified to be less art-intensive.

For more about Monica’s process designing Pinching Tarts, you can read:

Pinching Tarts is available exclusively on

Also Available on DriveThruRPG

Creature Sheets is a pay-what-you-want game aid compatible with Pinching Tarts, a Wonderland-themed PocketQuest game designed by Monica Valentinelli. The creature sheet is not form-fillable by design for two reasons: some of the fields are subject to change during gameplay, and there’s a rule in the game that gives players the ability to swap character sheets. For this reason, it is strongly recommended that you use pencil to fill out the sheets.

Creature Sheets is a digital download that includes:

  • creature sheet instructions
  • guidance for descriptive Wonderland-appropriate traits
  • sample creature sheet for a puppy
  • blank, printer-friendly creature sheets

The two-page creature sheets include tracks for hearts as well as optional tracks for tarts stolen, eaten, and foes defeated.

My Year-End Summary and 2023 Publications

Last year, I wrote in my 2022 year-end review that: “Reflecting on 2021, this year was a time to start shedding everything that wasn’t working for me.” If 2022 was a year of shedding, 2023 was a time of restoration in many, many ways.

This year has been a time to heal, laugh, dance, and revel in my peace while reconnecting with old friends and peers. I am extraordinarily grateful for a wonderful year filled with the kinds of memories that last a lifetime.

Career-wise, my future is still a question mark and yet that beautiful whiteboard of art I want to make regardless is still full. So, I grab my scythe and cut a new path while producing evergreen content and revisiting my hobbies. (I’ve been experimenting more with watercolors, knitting, gardening, and vegetarian cooking. And, I definitely want to return to beadweaving in 2024 pending a restructure/reorganization of supplies.)

2023 didn’t incorporate a ton of publications—and that’s okay! I’m happy to share that I’ve already received word of new publications next year for both fiction and games. Onwards. Woooo!

In this spirit, I’d like to share my releases with you. They are affiliate-linked to pages where you can purchase or find out more information about them. Yep, affiliate links. Because I am an artist and I enjoy food. Hah!

Published Books in 2023

I’ve had a ton of wonderful experiences with my debut poetry collection. Thanks to the indomitable Lao poet, Bryan Thao Worra, I had a great experience reading from this collection at a poetry reading. And, the collection has been discussed by a few poetry groups as well. Was the time and effort to create this collection worth it? Yes, absolutely.

into shadow: a poetic exploration of personal fears, 2023, BookOfM

Published Games in 2023

The 2022 Level 1 Volume Three Anthology from 9th Level Games I contributed to last year was nominated for the Best Free Game/Product in the 2023 ENnie Awards. Huzzah! And, I returned to GameHole Con 2023 to celebrate the 10th year anniversary as a special guest. I had a fabulous time.

LEGIONS OF CARCOSA, The Yellow King, 2023, Pelgrane Press

NOBLES: THE GOLDEN MANDATE, Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn, 2023, Crafty Games

Next Posts

Looking for Monica’s books and games that are still in print? Visit Monica Valentinelli on Amazon’s Author Central or a bookstore near you.


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