Don’t Rest Your Head… Until You Read This Announcement…

Don't Rest Your Head RPGI am thrilled to announce that I am one of the authors penning a dark and terrifying tale inspired by the Don’t Rest Your Head RPG designed and written by Fred Hicks and published by Evil Hat Productions.

Horror games have always been a draw for me because they’ve allowed me to explore deep characterization to explore the nature of heroes and the affected. Don’t Rest Your Head is “a game of insomnia in the Mad City.” It’s been called an “atmospheric” game (and rightly so). Having insomnia has a cost.

In Don’t Rest Your Head, that cost is Exhaustion, Pain and the shocking realization that reality isn’t what it seems. Characters find they’re Awake in the Mad City and Nightmares are hot on their heels. The PDF version of the game is five bucks. (FIVE WHOLE DOLLARS! CHEAP!) Dice required are d6’s in red, white and black.

Interested? Well, if playing superheroes suffering from insomnia in a twisted world doesn’t grab you, then I hope this next announcement will: Chuck Wendig, Penmonkey Master Chief, is the editor for a Don’t Rest Your Head anthology inspired by this dark and haunting game. I will be lending my voice to a chorus of mad, mad authors as we explore the depths of the City. I can’t wait to dive in!

More news to come on my story, the process working with Evil Hat Productions, and writing tie-in fiction as the project continues.

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