Oh Hai…Reading this Blog?

After dodging sunbeams and causing a rain of words to fall on my black umbrella…

I’m sorry to report that my blogging may be a bit sporadic over the next two weeks because I started getting some edits back on the first part of the novella I’m working on for Aletheia. While this is not a bad or a good thing, this is a function of the work. So Abstract Nova Press owns my soul, as one of the other writers so eloquently put it. I’ll have a proper write-up to promote the other two writers once we get done with this but for now—tappity-tap-tap until this is done.

In the promoting of other writer’s work arena, I had the pleasure of conducting an email interview with Tad Williams–one of the first fantasy authors I’ve ever read. He wrote The Dragonbone Chair Series, the Virtual Reality Science Fiction Series “Otherland,” and is currently working on a number of projects including the conclusion of his “Shadowmarch” fantasy novel series. Folks, this is one of the writers who is in that lucrative 3% I-write-novels-full-time-for-a-living bucket, a veteran within the industry who more than fulfills my requirement for writing big, fat, interesting books.

I’m also thinking about ways to be more specific about some of my blog posts, because I take a great deal of inspiration from the newbies out there who are putting the words on the page for the first time. It’s hard not to be heavily influenced by the lack of business-minded leadership from my college daze; while I truly enjoyed my college experiences I can’t really consider what I learned applicable in terms of writing as a business, which is an affliction many who “major” in writing share.

In other babbles, I’m resorting to cheezburger speak, guilty pleasure movies, soy mint chocolate chip ice cream sandwiches, the Justice League, and my idiot fuzzballs of kitty doom for intermittent entertainment. Going to see Iron Man this week–here’s hoping it does not suck. Hoping to see Indiana Jones when that comes out…I really hope that does not suck. Also going back to the gym whether it kills me or not; I can’t avoid working out and I’m excited the weather will be nice enough to do things outside but, like the rest of things these days, a bit spontaneous and unplanned.

Other than that, life is pretty status quo at the moment. Good news and change all around; it’s so easy to slip into the stream and be taken away by things you know will be positive.

Do you have any books or authors you’d like to recommend? Topics you’d like me to cover? Jokes you’d like to share? Feel free to post them in the comments and please, do not take it personally when I don’t respond to email during this busy time.

Protect your marbles and your doughnuts, folks. Things are no longer getting interesting–they’re already there.

Keep On Top of Jobs, News and Buzz with Google Alerts

As writers and freelancers, it’s imperative that we stay “in-the-know.” Depending upon what aspect of the industry we’re working in, we need to stay informed of job opportunities, book promotions, conventions and (of course) what others might be saying about our work. About two months ago, I started using a neat little trick that I picked up from work and I’ve been really happy with the results.

How Google Alert Works

If you have a GMail account, simply click on this URL. http://www.google.com/alerts. Enter in your keywords into the field, choose how you want your Google Alert mailed to you, and start receiving info!

It’s not really clear how Google pulls the information. I’ve received results that are dated a few years ago, but I’ve also seen results pop up really quickly for blog posts, so be sure to follow through and read the links in your Google Alert.

Keywords in Mind

The key thing to remember here is that Google Alerts work the same way Google does, so without good keywords, you’re probably not going to get great results. I wrote about the concept in an earlier post about writing for the web and more recently, using keywords to sell your work. From learning about potential job opportunities to staying abreast of specific topics to blog about or read up on, this Google feature is a huge time-saver.

Google Yourself

Have you whined about your obsession with Johnny Depp on MySpace? Are you on YouTube singing “Eye of the Tiger?” We all have embarrassing moments, but the trick to successfully managing your reaction to them professionally is to see what’s out there. I recently met a really nice lady who works for the Madison Public School District who’s full-time job is to research prospective employees, and I’m sure she’s not the only one out there.

Identifying potential causes for concern may be going a bit too far (For example, I can sometimes be self-conscious about being a female game designer and genre author based on knee-jerk reactions I’ve gotten in the past.) but at the very least it can’t hurt you, especially when you’re in the market for a new job.

Welcome to the Updated Site!

Hello everyone,

Sorry for my absence, I’ve been hard at work on a bunch of new projects. This new site format was designed with you in mind, to help make it easier to navigate to content, and so I could branch out into different areas of the writing life.

Over the next few days, the navigation will be updated to reflect a more user-friendly theme, so feel free to check back by Monday and I’ll have new content to share!

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