Is there such a thing as “method writing”?

Recently, I’ve been working on two projects that are both a little on the edge. One is to write from the mind of an ultra-paranoid character for a horror game that will be released at GenCon: Indy this summer; the other is to write from the perspective of someone whose memories have been ripped from her mind for my novel Argentum from The Violet War. Normally I do “some” research when it comes to character perspective, to get some of the quirks right, but I usually do my best to see the world through their eyes. To me, even small details can take on significant meanings for a character. Maybe the main character hates eggs; maybe they love Voltron.

For whatever reason, everything has just been “clicking” the past, few weeks while I’ve been writing. No more research, no more obsessing about whether or not the characters are believable. It just “is.” From a writer’s standpoint, though—why?
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Monica Valentinelli >

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