My 2024 Publications in Review

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2024 has been a wonderful year to rebuild and grow. I’ve re-established a wonderful baseline for my writing practice, presented at the Gen Con Writer’s Symposium and Game Hole Con, taught an online workshop through Clarion West, and began blogging again at I also recently celebrated a partnership with the Corvisiero Agency, too! Additionally, I was happy to explore a year-long theme of journalling prompts through this newsletter while making space to practice my art.

Personally, 2024 was a great year to focus on my mental and physical health. I’m incredibly lucky and happy that I have lots of support. Now that I’m gearing up for the next phase of my nefarious career, I’ve decided to pull back from volunteering with the exception of local efforts. Onwards and upwards!

Published Books in 2024

Following last year’s debut of my poetry collection, I released a print edition of into shadow: a poetic exploration of personal fears. Additionally, two collections featured my fiction. Both books are available wherever fine works are sold.

“Mythica D’Argent: Treatise Pertaining to the Mysterious of Silver”, The Dagon Collection, 2024, PS Publishing

“Crossed for Gold,” GO HARD OR GO HOME, a Car Warriors Autoduel Chronicles Anthology, 2024, Three Ravens Publishing

Published Games in 2024

This year, I participated in PocketQuest, an indie game design jam sponsored by This program spurred me to create an Alice-in-Wonderland themed game called “Pinching Tarts” and two gaming aids. When I first wrote this recap, back in December, I mentioned how I learned a lot from this experience and publishing my own game has factored into my goals for next year. Those goals may shift and change, however, depending on what happens to the seeds I’ve planted.

LEVEL ONE 2024 Volume 5, “Help BD738 Slash Run,” 2024, 9th Level Games


GUARD CARDS for Pinching Tarts, 2024, BooksOfM

CREATURE SHEETS for Pinching Tarts, 2024, BooksOfM

What’s next for me? Stay tuned and find out!

My Year-End Summary and 2022 Publications

Hello, hello!

2022 was an interesting year in many ways. Reflecting on 2021, this year was a time to start shedding everything that wasn’t working for me. My 2021 New Year’s Resolution was to write for myself every day and the most important part of this goal turned out to be the importance of writing for myself. As it turned out, one of the things that wasn’t working for me was worrying about what comes after release/submission or—even worse—predicting what those outcomes would be. To be blunt: no sphere in publishing has fully recovered from the pandemic. Past Monica might have worried about that, because this affects my future. Present Monica says: “Well, shit. That sucks. Nothing I can do about all of that except focus on what I’m doing now.”

I’m happier than I’ve ever been despite substantive cuts and losses—this year was full of surprises. At the beginning of the pandemic, I made a huge wish list of stuff I wanted (or wanted to learn and do). Many of the things I was hoping for came true in an unusual way. I’m not a “true believer” in magic in a fantasy sense, but I absolutely believe in the psychology of perspective and how that shapes your reality. For example, if you’re convinced that artists must suffer, deep down, in order to make great art? Well, if you’re an artist you’ll wind up suffering—with or without the art. Deprogramming harmful messages to release the outcome is challenging AF because there are a lot of them! For me, this year I knew I wanted to get back into photography. I had no idea that desire would turn into snapping pics of animal ambassadors and guests at an AZA-accredited zoo—a fabulous and joyful outcome.

This, dear Reader, is also the reason why I’ve decided to abandon my New Year’s Resolution this year because it doesn’t work for me. Instead, I’m focusing on a symbol and all it represents—the sun—to “color” my perspective with a little warmth and light. Timely, too, because the sun is having a very hard time getting past all the clouds and snow. And, with a little luck, I’ll be going to Egypt.

With that in mind, here’s a list of my 2022 publications. In addition to this list, I had the pleasure of teaching through the Rambo Academy for Wayward Writers. If you get an opportunity to take one of Cat Rambo’s classes or check out her books, please do so! You can check out one of her recent stories online; read “The Woman Who Wanted To Be Trees” on Cat is a rare gem who builds community in an empowering way, and she’s an important part of the speculative fiction community and publishing landscape.

I’m looking forward to a productive 2023. On Saturday, January 7th, I’ll be teaching a new class called Emotional Self-Care for Creatives. Also in January, I’ve got an essay about the witch hysteria in Apex Magazine along with a new project I’ll announce via BooksOfM on Patreon.

Thanks for sticking with me in 2022. If you’ve got your own end-of-year blog posts, please link to them in the comments. And Happy New Year!

Published Games in 2022

I am pleased to announce that two of these games topped’s best-seller’s lists in 2022 according to Geek Native. Congrats to all who worked on these games with me!

HUNTER: THE VIGIL SECOND EDITION, 2022, Onyx Path Publishing/Paradox Interactive – Number One Best-Selling Horror RPG of 2022 and the Number One Best-Selling Modern Era RPG of 2022!

TALES OF THE RED: STREET STORIES, 2022, R Talsorian Games – Number One Best-Selling Science Fiction TTRPG of 2022!

LEVEL 1 Volume 3, “One Night in Bain House,” 2022, 9th Level Games

DEAD MAN’S RUST, Scarred Lands 5th Edition, 2022, Onyx Path Publishing

Daily Bites of Flesh Now Available

Daily Bites of Flesh: 365 Days of Horrifying Flash FictionJust wanted to drop in and mention that DAILY BITES OF FLESH: 365 DAYS OF HORRIFYING FLASH FICTION is now available! My story entitled The Saint, The Pickpocket and the Manticore is the entry for July 15th.

Here’s a little bit more about the anthology:

DAILY BITES OF FLESH 2011: 365 DAYS OF HORRIFYING FLASH FICTION is a 2011 flash fiction calendar anthology, with a 500 word or less horror short story featured for every day of the calendar year. Filled with 365 short stories, this is a fun and practical anthology designed for busy readers of the horror genre.

The book is 552 pages long and features dozens of authors. Each of us wrote a story with a flesh-eating creature as part of the theme. Besides being available online, you’ll also be able to pick it up in several bookstores as well.

Hope you enjoy it!

My Flash Fiction on a Horror Podcast Site

For the first time my fiction was turned into something you can listen to and not just something you read.

Prey on

This was a great experience for me; the editors were very kind, prompt and professional. This particular piece, as I had mentioned just the other day, was a very successful work of fiction for me.

The writing of this was a bit different because, as an animal lover, I wanted to toy around with how an animal might think, feel or react to an unnatural ritual going on around, in this case, her.

Flames Rising features today as well, and I know Matt’s goal is to highlight more authors as they contribute to the horror and dark fantasy genre.

Monica Valentinelli >

Looking for Monica’s books and games that are still in print? Visit Monica Valentinelli on Amazon’s Author Central or a bookstore near you.


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